owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Audible reminder and warning whenAlarm and warning when the engine
CAUTION the engine stops starts
lightilluminates,besuretocheckboththeWhen the P position selecting warning lightWhen the Intelligent Key system warning light
vehicle and the Intelligent Key.() in the instrument panel blinks in red:()blinks red and the outside buzzer
WARNINGSIGNALS ● Make sure the shift lever is in the P (Park)sounds,makesuretheIntelligentKeyisinsidethe
To help prevent the vehicle from moving unex-position.Warning for low battery power
Key or to help prevent the vehicle from being● Make sure the shift lever is in the P (Park)WhentheIntelligent Key battery is low, the Intel-
stolen, a chime or buzzer sounds from inside andposition and the ignition switch is placed inligent Key system warning light () will blink
outside the vehicle and a warning light comes onthe LOCK position.green for about 30 seconds after the ignition
in the instrument panel. switchisplacedintheONposition.Thiswarning
When a chime or beep sounds or the warningIf the chime sounds continuously when the driv-is to let you know that the battery of the Intelligent
light comes on, be sure to check the vehicle ander’s door is opened, check the following:Key will run down soon. Replace it with a new
the Intelligent Key. one. For additional information, refer to “Battery
● The shift lever is placed in the P (Park)replacement” in the “Maintenance and do-it-
Audible reminder and warning whenposition and the ignition switch is placed inyourself” section of this manual.
locking the doors the LOCK position. It is recommended you replace the battery at a
● The warning chime may stop when one ofNISSANdealer.
When the chime or buzzer sounds from insidethe following is performed:Preventing the Intelligent Key from
and outside the vehicle, check for the following: being left in the vehicle
● The ignition switch is placed in the LOCK– ReturningtheignitionswitchtotheLOCK
position. position. If you lock all doors using the power door lock
● The Intelligent Key is not left inside the ve-– Closing the doors.switchwiththeIntelligentKeyinthevehicle,allof
hicle. the doors unlock immediately and the buzzer will
warn you when the door is closed.
● Theshift lever is in the P (Park) position.
3-20 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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