owners manual Volvo C30
owners manual Volvo C30 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Volvo C30 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo C30, year of production 2006 - 2012:
06 Starting and driving
Stability system
WARNING If the and symbols light up at the same
The car's handling and stability characteris-time, read the message in the display.
tics will be altered if the DSTC system func-If only the symbol lights up, this indicates
tions have been disabled. one of the following situations:
DSTC-related messages in the text• The light illuminates for approximately
window 2 seconds to indicate that the system is
performing a self-diagnostic test when the
OFF" – The system has been temporarily• If the light flashes while driving, this indi-
switched off due to high brake temperaturecates that the stability system is actively
and will automatically switch on againfunctioning to help counteract wheel spin
when the brakes have cooled.and/or a skid.
• "ANTI-SKID SERVICE REQUIRED" – the• If this light stays on after the engine has
system has been automatically disen-started or comes on while driving, there
gaged due to a fault. A trained and qualifiedmay be a fault in the stability system. Con-
Volvo service technician retailer shouldsult a trained and qualified Volvo service
check the system. technician.
Symbols used by the stability system• If Spin control has been intentionally
switched off, a message will be displayed. 06
Stability system indicator lightWARNING
The stability system is intended to help
improve driving safety. It supplements, but
can never replace, the driver's judgement
Information symbol and responsibility when operating the vehi-
cle. Speed and driving style should always
be adapted to traffic and road conditions.
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year of production from: 2006
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Volvo C30 owners manual
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Volvo C30 owners manual
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