owners manual Toyota Camry
owners manual Toyota Camry - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Camry, year of production 2001 - 2006:
’05Camry_U (L/O 0409)
“UPDATING”: “LOADING”: The unit is acquiring audio SCAN
or program information. Wait until the unit
You have not subscribed to the XM Radio
satellite radio. The radio is being up- has received the information.You can either scan all the frequencies on
dated with the latest encryption code. “OFF AIR”: The channel you selected is a band or scan only the preset stations
Contact the XM satellite radio for sub- not broadcasting any programming. Selectfor that band.
scription information. When a contact isanother channel.To scan the preset stations:
canceled, you can choose the “CH000”“---The”: channel you selected is no Push and hold the “SCAN” button until
and all free-to-air channels.longer available. Wait for about 2 seconds
you hear a beep. The radio will tune in
The premium channel you selected is until the radio returns to the previous the next preset station up the band, stay
not authorized. Wait for about 2 sec-channel or “CH001”. If it does not change there for 5 seconds, and then move to the
onds until the radio returns to the pre- automatically, select another channel.next preset station. To stop scanning,
vious channel or “CH001”. If it doesThe XM Listener Care Center is also push this button again.
not change automatically, select anoth-available on the phone, please call (800) To scan all the frequencies:
er channel. If you want to listen to the
premium channel, contact the XM satel-852-9696 during the following hours:Quickly push and release the “SCAN” but-
lite radio. Monday—Saturday: 7 a.m.—1 a.m. ton. The radio will find the next station up
Sunday: 12 p.m.—12 a.m. the station band, stay there for 5 seconds,
“NO SIGNAL”: The XM signal is too ∗: Use of satellite radioequi r res XM tunerand then scan again to the next station.
weak at the current location. Wait until and service. Contact your Toyota deal-To stop scanning, push this button again.
your vehicle reaches a location with aer for details.
stronger signal.
2005 CAMRY from Sep. ’04 Prod. (OM33684U)

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year of production from: 2001

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Toyota Camry VI 6 owners manual
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