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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving AПtОr turning thО ignition sаitch to thО “LOCK” po- IП вou movО a mirror bв hanН or it movОs aП- l NOTE sition or putting thО opОration moНО in OFF, it is tОr hitting a pОrson or objОct, вou maв not bО Functions can bО moНiПiОН as statОН bОloа. l possiblО to rОtract anН ОбtОnН thО mirrors using thО ablО to rОturn it to its original position using Consult a MITSUBISHI MOTORS Author- mirror rОtractor sаitch Пor about 30 sОconНs. thО mirror rОtractor sаitch. IП this happОns, izОН SОrvicО Point. push thО mirror rОtractor sаitch to placО thО On vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith MITSUBISHI mirror in its rОtractОН position anН thОn push Multi-Communication SвstОm (MMCS), thО sаitch again to rОturn thО mirror to its orig- scrООn opОrations can bО usОН to makО thО aН- inal position. justmОnt. RОПОr to thО sОparatО oаnОr’s man- WhОn ПrООzing has occurrОН anН mirrors Пail l ual Пor НОtails. to opОratО as intОnНОН, plОasО rОПrain Пrom rО- • Automaticallв ОбtОnН аhОn thО Пolloаing pОatОН pushing oП thО rОtractor sаitch as this opОration is pОrПormОН. action can rОsult in burn-out oП thО mirror mo- [EбcОpt Пor vОhiclОs ОquippОН аith kОв- tor circuits. lОss opОration sвstОm] Turn thО ignition sаitch to thО “ON” or Retracting and extending the mirrors without us- “ACC” position. ing the mirror retractor switch [VОhiclОs ОquippОН аith kОвlОss opОra- [VОhiclОs аith kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm] tion sвstОm] ThО mirrors automaticallв rОtract or ОбtОnН аhОn Put thО opОration moНО in ON or ACC. thО Нoors arО lockОН or unlockОН using thО rОmotО • Automaticallв rОtract аhОn thО НrivОr’s CAUTION 4 control sаitchОs oП thО kОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm. Нoor is opОnОН aПtОr turning thО ignition RОПОr to “KОвlОss Оntrв sвstОm” on pagО 1-04. sаitch to thО “LOCK” position or putting It is possible to retract and extend the mir- l [VОhiclОs аith kОвlОss opОration sвstОm] thО opОration moНО in OFF. rors by hand. After retracting a mirror us- ThО mirrors automaticallв rОtract or ОбtОnН аhОn • Automaticallв ОбtОnН аhОn thО vОhiclО ing the mirror retractor switch, however, thО Нoors arО lockОН or unlockОН using thО rОmotО spООН rОachОs 30 km/h (19 mph). you should extend it by using the switch control sаitchОs or thО kОвlОss opОration Пunction • DОactivatО thО automatic ОбtОnsion Пunc- again, not by hand. If you extended the oП thО kОвlОss opОration sвstОm. tion. mirror by hand after retracting it using RОПОr to “KОвlОss opОration sвstОm: To opОratО us- the switch, it would not properly lock in ing thО kОвlОss opОration Пunction, KОвlОss Оntrв position. As a result, it could move be- Heated mirror sвstОm” on pagОs 1-09 anН 1-18. cause of the wind or vibration while you E00601200497 are driving, taking away your rearward To НОmist or НОПrost thО outsiНО rОar-viОа mirrors, visibility. prОss thО rОar аinНoа НОmistОr sаitch. ThО inНication lamp (A) аill illuminatО аhilО thО НОmistОr is on. NOTE BО carОПul not to gОt вour hanНs trappОН l аhilО a mirror is moving. 4-10
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year of production from: 2010

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