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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota 4Runner, year of production 2003 - 2009:
’04 4Runner_U (L/O 0308)
“H2” (high speed position, two-wheel “L4” (low speed position, four-wheel Use this for maximum power and traction.
drive, center differential unlocked): Mul-drive, center differential unlocked) Mu:l-Use this for hard pulling in situations the
ti- mode control switch knob at “H2”, cen-ti- mode control switch knob at “L4”, cen-vehicle cannot negotiate even in the “L4”
ter differential lock switch left outter differential lock switch left out(low speed position, four-wheel drive, cen-
Use this for normal driving on dry hard- The four-wheel drive and “4LO” (low ter differential unlocked) mode. Also, using
surfaced roads. This position gives greater speed four-wheel drive) indicator lights this mode when driving down steep off-
economy, quietest ride, least wear andcome on when the “L4” mode is selected.road inclines will help contribute to in-
better vehicle control. Use this for maximum power and traction.creased vehicle stability.
“H4” (high speed position, four-wheel Use this for climbing or descending steepThe indicator light tells when the differen-
drive, center differential unlocked): Mul- tial lock is engaged. Note that the differ-
hills, off-road driving, and hard pulling in
ti- mode control switch knob at “H4”, cen-sand or mud.ential is not still locked as long as the
ter differential lock switch left outIn this mode, the braking feeling that oc- indicator light remains off.
The four-wheel drive indicator light comescurs when the wheels are negotiating a When the operation is not completed, the
on when the “H4” mode is selected.sharp corner is further reduced than in the indicator blinks. If the indicator light does
Use this for normal driving on all types of “L4” (low speed position, four-wheel drive,not go off when you push out the center
roads, from dry hard-surfaced roads tocenter differential locked) mode.differential lock switch, drive straight
wet, icy or snow-covered roads. This “L4” (low speed position, four-wheel ahead while accelerating or decelerating,
position provides greater traction thandrive, center differential locked): Multi-or drive in reverse.
two-wheel drive. mode control switch knob at “L4”, centerIf the center differential lock system op-
“H4” (high speed position, four-wheel differential lock switch pushed ineration is not completed within 5 seconds
drive, center differential locked): Multi-The four-wheel drive and “4LO” (low while the cruise control system is set,
mode control switch knob at “H4”, center speed four-wheel drive) indicator lights cancel the cruise control system. To can-
differential lock switch pushed income on when the “L4” mode is selected.cel the cruise control system, see “Cruise
control” on page 188 in Section 1-7.
The four-wheel drive indicator light comes If the indicator blinks even if doing so,
on when the “H4” mode is selected. contact your Toyota dealer as soon as
Use this for greater traction when you possible. There may be a trouble in the
experience a loss of power, such as center differential lock system.
wheel slipping, in the center differential See “(c) Shifting procedure” for further in-
unlock mode. structions.
2004 4RUNNER from Aug. ’03 Prod. (OM35811U)
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