owners manual Pontiac Sunfire
owners manual Pontiac Sunfire - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Pontiac Sunfire owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Pontiac Sunfire, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Using RDS When you are tuned to an RDS station, the station name
Your audio system is equipped with a Radio Datawill appear on the display, instead of the frequency.
System (RDS). RDS is a system that sends data alongMost RDS stations provide their station name, the time
with the audio of the FM station you are currently tunedof day and a Program Type (PTY) for their current
to. You can use RDS to display program informationprogramming. Some stations also provide the name of
and to control your radio. With RDS, the radio can:the current program.
Seek only to stations with the types of programs youTRAF: Press this button to receive traffic
want to listen to, announcements. The traffic announcement brackets will
seek to stations with traffic announcements,appear on the display. TRAF will appear on the display
if the tuned station broadcasts traffic announcements. If
receive announcements concerning local andthe current tuned station does not broadcast traffic
national emergencies, andannouncements, the radio will seek to a station that
receive and display messages from radio stations.does. When the radio finds a station that broadcasts
traffic announcements, it will stop. TRAF will
RDS is always on. RDS features are only available forappear on the display. If no station is found, NO
use on FM stations which broadcast RDS information.TRAFFIC will appear on the display.
The RDS features of your radio rely upon receivingTraffic Interrupt Feature: Your radio can be
specific RDS information from these stations. Theseprogrammed to interrupt the playback of a cassette tape,
features will only work when the RDS information isCD or FM radio by enabling the traffic interrupt feature.
available. In rare cases, a radio station may broadcastPress the TRAF button once to turn on the traffic
incorrect information that will cause the radio featuresfeature, if supported by the current tuned RDS station. If
to work improperly. If this happens, please contact thethe station does not support the traffic interrupt feature,
radio station. the radio will search for an RDS station that does
support the feature. When the traffic interrupt feature is
on, TRAF will appear on the display.
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year of production from: 1995
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Pontiac Sunfire owners manual
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