owners manual Chevrolet Astro
owners manual Chevrolet Astro - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Astro, year of production 1995 - 2005:
CDMessages Rear Seat Audio (RSA)
ERR(Error): If this message appears on the displayThis feature allows rear seat passengers to listen to any
and/or the CD comes out, it could be for one of theof the sources: radio and CDs. However, the rear
following reasons: seat passengers can only control the sources that the
• It is very hot. When the temperature returns tofront seat passengers are not listening to. For example,
normal, the CD should play. rear seat passengers may listen to and control a CD
• You are driving on a very rough road. When thethrough headphones while the driver listens to the radio
through the front speakers. The rear seat passengers
road becomes smoother, the CD should play.have control of the volume for each set of headphones.
• The CD is dirty, scratched, wet, or upside down.The front seat audio controls always have priority
• The air is very humid. If so, wait about an hourover the RSA controls. If the front seat passengers
and try again. switch the source for the main radio to a remote source,
the RSA will not be able to control the remote source.
• There may have been a problem while burningYou can operate the RSA when the main radio is off.
the CD.
• The label may be caught in the CD player.
Press RECALL to make ERR go off of the display.
If the CD is not playing correctly, for any other reason,
try a known good CD.
If any error occurs repeatedly or if an error cannot be
corrected, contact your dealer. If the radio displays
an error message, write it down and provide it to your
dealer when reporting the problem.

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year of production from: 1995

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Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual
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