owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 - Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 1996 - 2004:
Driving instructions
All checks and service work on the After hard braking, it is advisable to drive Parking
brake system should be carried out by on for some time, rather than immediately
an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.parking, so that the air stream will cool Warning!G
Install only brake pads and brake fluid down the brakes faster.
recommended by Mercedes-Benz.Driving off Do not park this vehicle in areas where com-
bustible materials such as grass, hay or
Warning! G Apply the brakes to test them briefly after leaves can come into contact with the hot
driving off. Perform this procedure only exhaust system, as these materials could be
If other than recommended brake pads are when the road is clear of other traffic.ignited and cause a vehicle fire.
installed, or other than recommended brake Warm up the engine smoothly. Do not To reduce the risk of personal injury as a re-
fluid is used, the braking properties of the place full load on the engine until the oper-sult of vehicle movement, before turning off
vehicle can be degraded to an extent that ating temperature has been reached.the engine and leaving the vehicle always:
safe braking is substantially impaired. This When starting off on a slippery surface, do Keep right foot on brake pedal.
could result in an accident.not allow one drive wheel to spin for an ex- Firmly depress parking brake pedal.
tended period with the ESP switched off. Move the selector lever to position P
! Doing so may cause serious damage to the (manual transmission: first or reverse
When driving down long and steep drivetrain which is not covered by the gear).
grades, relieve the load on the brakes Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty. Slowly release brake pedal.
by shifting into a lower gear to use the ! When parked on an incline, turn front
engine’s braking power. This helps pre-Simultaneously depressing the acceler-wheels towards the road curb.
vent overheating of the brakes and re-ator pedal and applying the brake re- Turn the key to steering lock position0.
duces brake pad wear. duces engine performance and causes
Take the key and lock vehicle when
premature brake and drivetrain wear.leaving.

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year of production from: 1996

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Mercedes Benz SLK R170 owners manual
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