owners manual Citroen C4
owners manual Citroen C4 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C4, year of production 2004 - 2010:
Do not disconnect the ter- F ollowing reconnection of the Sw itching to economy mode
minals while the engine is battery
Once the thirty minutes are over, a
running. Following reconnection of the bat-message appears on the multi-func-
Do not charge the batteries without tery, switch on the ignition and wait tion screen indicating that the vehicle
disconnecting the terminals fi rst. 1 minute before starting to permit has switched to economy mode
initialisation of the electronic sys-and the active functions are put on
Do not push the vehicle to start the
tems. However, if slight diffi culties standby.
engine if it is fi tted with a 6-speed are encountered following this oper-
electronic gearbox system.
ation, contact a CITROËN dealer. Ex iting economy mode
Referring to the corresponding sec-
B efore disconnecting tion, you must yourself reinitialise These functions are reactivated au-
the battery (depending on equipment): tomatically next time the vehicle is
- the remote control key,
Wait 2 minutes after switching off - the one-touch electric windows, In order to resume the use of these
the ignition before disconnecting - the settings of the multifunction functions immediately, start the en-
the battery. screen, gine and let it run:
Close the windows and the doors - the audio equipment radio sta- - for less than ten minutes to use
before disconnecting the battery. tions, the equipment for an equivalent
- the GPS satellite navigation duration,
- for more than ten minutes to use
the equipment for approximately
thirty minutes.
EN ERGY ECONOMY MODE A fl at battery prevents the
engine from starting (refer
to the corresponding para-
System which manages the duration
of use of certain functions to con-graph).
serve a suffi cient level of charge in
XI the battery.
After the engine has stopped, you can
still use functions such as the audio
and telematics system, windscreen
wipers, dipped headlamps, courtesy
lights, etc. for a maximum combined
duration of thirty minutes.
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year of production from: 2004
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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Citroen C4 I 1 owners manual
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