owners manual Audi R8
owners manual Audi R8 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Audi R8 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Audi R8, year of production 2006 - 2015:
document_0900452a816e6cc9.book Seite 159 Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2007 1:32 13
Checking and topping up fluids 159
• No additives should be used with engine oil. Any damage caused Countries with warm climate
by the use of such additives would not be covered by the factory The coolant concentration must not be reduced by adding plain
warranty. water, even in the summer or in warm climates. The concentration
of the anti-freeze additive must always be at least 40%.
For the sake of the environment Countries with cold climate
• Never pour oil down drains or into the ground. If greater anti-freeze protection is required in very cold climates, the
• Always observe statutory requirements when disposing of proportion of the anti-freeze additive G12++ can be increased. A
empty oil canisters. concentration of 60% offers protection down to about -40 °C. The
concentration of the anti-freeze additive must not be more than
60%, otherwise this would reduce the anti-freeze protection. In addi-
Cooling system tion, the cooling effect will be adversely affected.
Vehicles for export to countries with a cold climate (such as Sweden,
Coolant Norway and Finland) are supplied with antifreeze protection down
The purpose of the coolant is to carry heat away from the to about -35 °C. The concentration of the antifreeze additive for
engine. The correct amount of anti-freeze is important to these countries should always be at least 50%.
prevent the cooling system from freezing in winter. Caution
The cooling system is filled for life at the factory, so the coolant does • It is advisable to have the cooling system checked before the
not need to be changed. The coolant consists of a mixture of water winter season to make sure that the anti-freeze concentration is
and anti-freeze additive G12++. This is a glycol-based anti-freeze adequate for the conditions to be expected. This applies particularly
with anti-corrosion additives. if you intend to take the car into a colder climate zone. If necessary,
Anti-freeze additive have the anti-freeze concentration increased to 50 - 60% as required.
The amount of anti-freeze additive required depends on the temper-• Use only antifreeze additive G12++, an additive meeting the
atures to be expected in the winter season. If the anti-freeze concen-specification “TL-VW 774G”. Other additives may give considerably
tration is too low the coolant can freeze, resulting in failure of the inferior corrosion protection. The resulting corrosion in the cooling
cooling system and heater. system can lead to a loss of coolant, causing serious damage to the
The cooling system is filled at the factory with the correct amount of • The coolant additive G12++ must not be mixed with any other
anti-freeze for the country concerned. additives.
In most cases the mixture consists of 60% water and 40% additive.
This mixture gives the required anti-freeze protection at tempera-
tures down to – 25 °C and protects the alloy parts of the cooling
system against corrosion. It also prevents scaling and raises the
boiling point of the coolant.
Controls Safety Driving tips General maintenance Self-help Technical data
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year of production from: 2006
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Audi R8 I 1 owners manual
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