owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
This audio system has an active noise compen-to adjust Bass and Treble to the desired level.FM-AM-SAT radio operation
sation feature called “Audio Pilot”. The AudioUse the TUNE or SEEK button also to adjust
Pilot uses a microphone to detect external roadFader or Balance modes. Fader adjusts theRADIO (FM/AM/SAT) band select:
noise and automatically adjusts the amplifier tosound level between the front and rear speakersPushing the RADIO band select button will
compensate for any competing high, midrange,and Balance adjusts the sound between thechange the band as follows:
or low frequency noise. right and left speakers.
ON⋅OFF/Volume control: To change the AUDIOP (Audio Pilot) mode to(Without satellite radio)
OFF or ON, push the TUNE or SEEK button.AM→FM1→FM2→AM
Turn the ignition key to ACC or ON, and thenOnceyouhaveadjustedthesoundqualitytothe(With satellite radio)
push the ON⋅OFF/VOL (Volume) control knobdesired level, push the AUDIO button repeatedly
while the system is off to call up the mode (radiountil the radio or CD display reappears. Other-AM→FM1→FM2→SAT1→SAT2→AM
or CD) which was playing immediately beforewise, the radio or CD display will automaticallyNosatellite operation is available during scrolling
the system was turned off. When no CD isreappear after about 10 seconds.of modes, unless optional satellite receiver and
loaded, the radio will come on. While the system antenna are installed, and an XM or SIRIUSTM
is on, pushing the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobCLOCKadjusting:satellite radio service subscription is active.
turns the system off. Push the RPT button for more than 1.5 seconds
Turn the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobto adjust to adjust the digital clock display.When RADIO band select button is pushed
the volume. Whentheclockadjustingdisplayisselected,thewhile the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON, the
time (hour or minute) will start flashing. Seeradio will come on at the station last played.
AUDIO button: “Clock” in the “2. Instruments and controls”Thelaststation/channelplayedwillalsocomeon
Push the AUDIO button to change the selectingsection for the detailed clock adjustment opera-when the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobis pushed
mode as follows. tion. to ON.
BASS → TREBLE → FADE → BALANCE →DISP DISPLAY CHANGE:If a compact disc is playing when the RADIO
AUDIOP This button will work during satellite radio (if sobandselectbuttonisturnedtoON,thecompact
ToadjustBass,Treble,FaderandBalance,pushequipped) and CD operation. Find the detaileddisc will automatically be turned off and the last
the AUDIO button until the desired modefunction in the description of each item.radio station/channel played will come on.
(BASS, TREBLE, FADER or BALANCE) ap- The FM stereo indicator ST will glow during FM
pearsinthedisplay.PushtheTUNE stereo reception. When the stereo broadcast
( , ) or SEEK (,) button signal is weak, the radio will automatically
4-24 Display screen, heater, air conditioner and audio systems
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year of production from: 2002
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