owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Manual Opel Astra J EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2009 - 2015:
Driving and operating159
■ The stop-start system is notCertain settings of the climate controlThe engine start is indicated by the
manually deactivatedsystem may inhibit an Autostop. Seeneedle at the idle speed position in
climate control chapter for morethe tachometer.
■ the bonnet is fully closed
details 3 149.
If the selector lever is shifted out of
■ the driver's door is closed or the
Immediately after motorway drivingneutral before depressing the clutch
driver's seat belt is fastened
an Autostop may be inhibited.first, control indicator - illuminates
■ the battery is sufficiently charged
or is shown as a symbol in the Driver
New vehicle running-in 3 156.
and in good condition
Information Centre.
■ the engine is warmed up
Battery discharge protection
Control indicator - 3 110.
■ the engine coolant temperature isTo ensure reliable engine restarts,
not too high several battery discharge protection
Restart of the engine by the
features are implemented as part of
■ the engine exhaust temperature is stop-start system
the stop-start system.
not too high, e.g. after driving with
The selector lever has to be in neutral
high engine load
to enable an automatic restart.
Power saving measures
■ the ambient temperature is above
If one of the following conditions
During an Autostop, several electrical
-5° C
occurs during an Autostop, the
features such as auxiliary electric
engine will be restarted automatically
■ the climate control system allowsheater or rear window heating are
by the stop-start system.
an Autostop disabled or switched into a power
saving mode. The fan speed of the■ The stop-start system is manually
■ the brake vacuum is sufficient
climate control system is reduced todeactivated
■ the self-cleaning function of the
save power.
■ the bonnet is opened
diesel particle filter is not active
■ the driver's seat belt is unfastened
■ the vehicle was driven at least withRestart of the engine by the
and the driver's door is opened
walking speed since the last
■ the engine temperature is too low
Depress the clutch pedal to restart the
Otherwise an Autostop will beengine.
■ the charging level of the battery is
below a defined level

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year of production from: 2009

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Manual Opel Astra J
pages 158 - 164
Manual Opel Astra J
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