owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Station memoryoperations:button is pushed unless option satellite
Twelve stations can be set for the FM bandreceiver and antenna were purchased andWARNING
(six for FM1, six for FM2).installed, and an XMor SIRIUS satellite
radio service subscription is active.The radio should not be tuned while driving
Six stations can be set for the AM band.To establish a contract and service, con-so full attention may be given to vehicle
1. Tune to the desired station using the tact XMSatellite Radio at 1-800-852- operation.
joystick (SEEK/SCANorTUNE).9696 or http://xmradio.com or SIRIUS
2. Push and hold the desired audio con- Satellite Radio at 1-800-539-7474 or http-CHANGE satellite radio
trol button (1 - 6). A beep sound will be:www.sirius.com.category:
heardifitisset. When “SAT” button is pushed while the
3. The band indicator will then come on ignition switch is in the ACC or ON, the To change the satellite radio category (for
andthesoundwillresume.Memorizingradio will come on at the channel last example: ROCK, JAZZ, NEWS .), when
played. satellite radio mode appears on the
is nowcomplete. screen, move the joystick up (+) or down
4. Other buttons can be set in the sameThe last station played will also come on(−).
manner. when the “AUDIO” button is pushed to “PTYzCAT” mode:
If the battery cable is disconnected, or if If another audio source is playing when O To change the display mode from sat-
the fuse blows, the radio memory will bethe “SAT” button is turned to ON, theellite radio mode to category mode,
erased. In that case, reset the desired sta-other audio source will automatically bepush the “PTYzCAT” button. Current
tions. turned off and the last radio channelcategory mode will appear on the
Satellite radio operation (if soplayed will come on. screen.
equipped) CHANNEL change: O To select the category, move the joy-
stickrightor left, or push the
Satellite radio mode select:To change the satellite radio channel,“PTYzCAT” button (“PTYzCAT” button is
Pushing the “SAT” button will change themove the joystick right (+) or left (−), toonly for seeking the category).
satellite radio mode SAT1 or SAT2. No sat-the desired satellite radio channel.O To select the channel within the cat-
ellite radio reception is available and “NO To continuously change the channelegory, move the joystick up (+) or
SAT” will be displayed when the SATquickly, move the joystick and hold it.down (−).
4-28 Monitor, climate, audio and voice-activated control systems
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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