owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Collision warning with Auto-brake*
support is activated. Brake support preparesOn and off WARNING
the brake system to react quickly, and theTo switch Collision Warning on or off, go into• The setting Short should only be used
brakes are applied slightly. This may be expe-the menu Car settingsCollision warningin situations where traffic is light and
rienced as a light tug. settings and select On or Off. When the enginemoving at low speeds.
If the brakes are applied quickly, full brakingis started, the setting that was selected when• Collision Warning alerts the driver to the
effect will be provided, even if pressure on theit was switched off will be used.risk of a collision but this function can-
brake pedal is light. Activating/deactivating warning signalsnot reduce the driver’s reaction time.
Auto-brake The collision warning system’s audible and vis-• For Collision Warning to be as effective
If a collision is imminent and the driver has notual signals are activated automatically whenas possible, it is recommended that Dis-
04 applied the brakes, the auto-brake function isthe engine is started if the collision warningtance Alert be set to 4 or 5, see
activated without the driver pressing the brakesystem is activated.page 172.
pedal. Limited brake force is applied to reduceThe audible warning signal can be activated/
the vehicle’s speed when the collision occurs.deactivated by selecting the alternative On orNOTE
WARNING Off in Car settingsCollision warning• When adaptive cruise control is used,
settingsWarning sound. the warning light and signal will be used
The auto-brake function cannot prevent a by cruise control, even if they have been
collision but instead is intended to reduceSetting a warning distancedeactivated by the driver.
speed at the moment of impact. For fullThis setting determines the distance at which• In situations where traffic is moving at
braking effect, driver must apply the brakes.the visual and audible warnings are triggered.
Select Long, Normal or Short under Carconsiderably different speeds, or if the
NOTE settings Collision warning settingsvehicle ahead brakes suddenly, warn-
ings may be considered to be late, even
The auto-brake function is always on andWarning distance if the setting Long has been selected.
cannot be turned off. The warning distance determines the level of
sensitivity used by the system. The warningChecking settings
Operation distance Long provides an earlier warning.The current Collision Warning settings can be
Begin by using Long and if the system giveschecked by going into the menu system at Car
Some settings are controlled from the centertoo many warnings, try changing to Normal.settingsCollision warning settings. See
console via a menu system. For information on page 120 for more information on the menu
how the menu system is used, see page 120. system.
160 * Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.

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year of production from: 2007

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