owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Transport and practical equipment
and the roof carrier system in question into Distributing a load
Note a
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ac ou
Distribute loads uniformly and secure them
Always read the assembly instructions that d
correctly ››› . al
The crossbars are assembled on the roof rail-come with the crossbars and the roof carrier
ings. The distance between cross barssystem carefully and keep them in the vehi-
››› Fig. 168 A should be 75 cm and the dis-cle. Chec attachments
tance between the cross bars and the brack-
Once the cross bars and roof carrier system
ets of the roof railings B should be 5 cm.
have been installed, check the bolted con-
Loading the roof carrier systemnections and attachments after a short jour-
ney and subsequently with a certain frequen-ic
The load can only be secured if the crossbarscy.
Incorrect attachment and use of the cross-
bars and the roof carrier system may causeand the roof carrier system are properly in-
the whole system to detach from the roof andstalled ››› .WARNING
cause an accident and injuries.
Exceeding the maximum authorised roof load
● Always take the manufacturer assembly in-Maximum authorised roof load
can re
sult in accidents and considerable vehi-
structions into account.
cle damage.
The maximum permissible roof load is 75 kg.
● Use only crossbars and the roof carrier sys-
This figure comes from the combined weight● Never exceed the maximum authorised
tem when they are in perfect condition and
of the roof carrier, the cross bars and the loadload on the roof and on the axles or the vehi-Oper
are properly secured.
››› cle's maximum authorised weight.
itself on the roof .
● Secure the crossbars and the roof carrier
● Never exceed the load capacity of the cross
Always check the weight of the roof carrier
system properly. s
bars and the roof carrier system, even if the
system, the cross bars and the weight of the ie
● Check threaded joints and attachments maximum authorised roof load has not been
load to be transported and weigh them if
travelling and if necessary tighten them after reached.
necessary. Never exceed the maximum au-
you have travelled a short distance. When
● Secure heavy items as far forward as possi-
thorised roof load.
making long trips, check the threaded joints Emer
ble and distribute the vehicle load uniformly.
whenever you stop for a rest.
If you are using cross bars and a roof carrier
● Always fit the special roof carrier systemswith a lower weight rating, you will not be
correctly for wheels, skis and surfboards, etc.able to carry the maximum authorised roof
load. In this case, do not exceed the maxi-If the load is loose or not secured, it could fall
● Do not modify or repair the crossbars or ety
from the roof carrier system or cause acci-
mum weight limit for the roof carrier which is
roof carrier system.
dents and injuries.
listed in the fitting instructions.
● Always use belts or retaining straps that
are suitable and in a good condition.
● Secure the load properly.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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