Track up/down buttons:Repeat button: Track details:
Pressing theorbutton once, the track willPush thej1 button and the current track willAlongpressonthej5 button will turn the
beskippedforwardtothenexttrackorbackwardtobe played continuously.display into a detailed overview and after a few sec-
the beginning of the current played track. Press theondsitreturnstothemaindisplay,orpress
or button more than once to skip throughbutton:j5 briefly.
the tracks. Push thej2 button and all the tracks in the
Folder browsing: current folder (MP3 CD/USB) or playlist (iPod) will
If the recorded media contains folders with musicbe played in a random order.
files, pressing theorbutton will play inWhenthe entire folder/playlist has been played the
sequence the tracks of each folder.system will start playing the next folder/playlist.Quick search:
To select a preferred folder:button: When a MP3 CD with recorded music information
tags (ID3–text tags) is being played from list view
1. Press the
button or turn the