owners manual Peugeot 4007
owners manual Peugeot 4007 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 4007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 4007, year of production 2007 - 2012:
The "Radio Data System" (RDS) func- A lternative frequencies "AF" T raffic information "TP"
tion on the FM waveband permits: Your radio automatically checks and
- access to the display of information, selects the best frequency for the radio The "Traffi c Program" (TP) function
such as the name of the station, . station to which it is tuned (if the station permits automatic and temporary switc-
- tuning to the same station while broadcasts on several transmitters or hing to an FM station broadcasting traf-
travelling through different regions, frequencies). fi c information.
The frequency of a radio station covers The radio station or the source that you
- temporary tuning to traffi c informa-approximately 30 miles (50 km). The are listening to at this point is paused.
tion announcements. change from one frequency to another
Most FM stations use RDS. These sta-explains the temporary loss of recep- Once the traffi c information has ended,
tions transmit non-audible data in addi-tion during a journey. the system switches back to the radio
tion to their programmes. If the station to which you are listen-station or the source that you were lis-
The data transmitted in this way allows ing does not have several frequencies tening to initially.
you access to various functions, mainly in the region in which you are currently
displaying of the name of the station, located, you can deactivate the alterna- Press the "TP" button.
automatic station following or tempo-tive frequency following. "TP" appears on the display.
rary tuning to traffi c information an- R egional following mode "REG" If the station is compatible,
nouncements. Some stations are organised in a net-"RDS" also appears.
The RDS allows you to continue liste-work.
ning to the same station by means of In different regions, they broadcast diffe-
the alternative frequency following. rent or shared programmes depending
However, in certain conditions, this
RDS frequency following cannot be on the time of day. If the radio detects traffi c information,
provided throughout the country. Radio You can follow: "TRAF INF" appears on the display, fol-
stations do not cover the whole country, - a regional station only, lowed by the frequency of the broad-
which explains the loss of reception of - the entire network, with the possibility casting station, then its name.
the station during a journey. that you will be listening to a different The volume is different from that of the
programme. previous source.
Following the broadcasting of the traffi c
11 information, the volume returns to that
On long distance journeys, when of the source prior to the interruption.
The "AF", "REG" and "TP" the stored station becomes
functions can be deacti-weak, the radio searches fi rst for
vated or activated via the another frequency for the same
"TUNE" button functions station (AF). Then, if this fails, it When "TP" appears on the dis-
setting mode. searches for a frequency broad-play, the radio stops solely at
casting the regional programme RDS stations broadcasting traffi c
(REG). If this also fails, the radio information.
returns to the stored station.

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year of production from: 2007

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