owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
FAULT SIGNALLING Warning light glowing steadily Warning light flashing
Automatic gearbox faults are indicated by If the warning light turns on and glowsThe flashing of the warning light when trav-
the twarning light (A-fig. 141) on steadily when the car is travelling, it indi-elling indicates a fault in the automatic gear-
the instrument cluster as follows: cates that the gearbox oil has reached the box.
–warning light glowing steadily maximum established temperature. The automatic control system provides an
= maximum automatic gearbox oil temper- The automatic control system provides an emergency programme. Under these cir-
ature; emergency programme. cumstances, you are advised to stop the car
and turn off the engine; in fact, the next
–warning light flashing = automatic It is however advisable to stop the car,
gearbox fault. move the lever to PorNand let the engine time the engine is started, the self-diag-
idle until the warning light goes out. Resume nostics system could cut off the fault which
Turning the ignition key to MARthe warn- will, however, be memorised by the elec-
driving without demanding high perfor-
ing light should turn on and go out after tronic control device.
approx. 4 seconds. mance from the engine.
Conversely, if the fault remains (warning
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR If the warning light comes on again, it is
If the warning light stays on or turns on light (A- fig. 141 ) flashing), it is neces-
necessary to stop again with the engine
during travelling, it indicates a gearbox fault idling until it goes out again. sary to select the gears manually as if dri-
(flashing) or overheated gearbox oil (glow- ving a car with mechanical gearbox, bear-
ing steadily). If the interval between one lighting up of ing in mind that the only two speeds
the warning light and the next is below 15 available are the 2 nd and 4th gear, as shown
in the table below:
minutes, you are advised to stop the car,
turn off the engine and wait for the engine-
gearbox unit to cool down completely.
A0B0386m Gear engaged Gear ratio
manually available
st nd
1 2
nd nd
2 2
rd th
3 4
th th
4 4
158 fig. 141

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year of production from: 1997

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