owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt
owners manual Chevrolet Cobalt - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Cobalt, year of production 2004 - 2010:
This system relies upon receiving specific informationPlaying the Radio
from these stations and will only work when the
information is available. In rare cases, a radio stationO(Power): Press this knob to turn the system on
may broadcast incorrect information that will causeand off.
the radio features to work improperly. If this happens,
contact the radio station. u(Volume): Turn this knob to increase or to
While the radio is tuned to an RDS station, the stationdecrease the volume.
name or call letters will appear on the display. RDSAUTOu(AutomaticVolume): With automatic
stations may also provide the time of day, a program
type (PTY) for current programming, and the namevolume, the audio system adjusts automatically to make
of the program being broadcast.up for road and wind noise as you drive.
XM™Satellite Radio Service Set the volume at the desired level. Press this button to
XM™isasatellite radio service that is based in theselect LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. AUTO VOL LOW,
48 contiguous United States. XM™ offersAUTOVOLMEDIUM,orAUTOVOLHIGHwillappear
100 coast-to-coast channels including music, news,on the display. Each higher setting will allow for
sports, talk, and children’s programming. XM™ providesmore volume compensation at faster vehicle speeds.
digital quality audio and text information that includesThen as you drive, automatic volume increases
song title and artist name. A service fee is requiredthe volume, as necessary, to overcome noise at any
in order to receive the XM™ service. For morespeed. The volume level should always sound the same
information, contact XM™ at www.xmradio.com or callto you as you drive. AUTO VOL NONE will appear on
1-800-852-XMXM (9696). the display if the radio cannot determine the vehicle
speed or if the engine is not running. To turn automatic
volume off, press this button until AUTO VOL OFF
appears on the display.
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year of production from: 2004
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manual Chevrolet Cobalt Chevrolet Cobalt owners manual
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