owners manual Skoda Fabia
owners manual Skoda Fabia - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Skoda Fabia, year of production 2007 - 2015:
Accessories, changes and replacement of
■ 3ork or modifications on your vehicle, which have been carried out unpro-
fessionally, can cause operational faults - risk of accident!
■ 3e advise you, in your own interest, to only use ŠKODA Original Accessories
and ŠKODA Original Parts which have been expressly approved for use on
Introductory information
your vehicle. Reliability, safety and suitability have been established for
ŠKODA Original Accessories and ŠKODA Original Parts.
If you want to retrofit the vehicle with accessories, if a vehicle part is to be re-
■ Although we constantly monitor the market, we are not able to assess or
placed with a new one, or when needing to make technical changes, the follow-
warrant the parts even though in some instances such parts may have a type
ing instructions must be observed.
approval or may have been approved by a nationally recognised testing labo-
Always seek advice from a ŠKODA Service Partner before purchasing any acces-ratory.
sories or parts and before making any technical changes » .
›0he guidelines and instructions issued by ŠKODA must be observed when mak-
ing technical changes.
ŠKODA Original Accessories and ŠKODA Original Parts can be purchased from
Adhering to the prescribed procedures will prevent any kind of damage to the ve-
ŠKODA Service Partners who will also professionally undertake the assembly of
hicle, and its travelling and operating safety will be maintained. 0he vehicle also
the purchased parts.
complies with German road transport regulations (St26O). More information is
available from a ŠKODA Service Partner who can also perform the necessary work
Changes and impairments of the airbag system
2ehicles with special built-on types
0echnical documents regarding changes carried out on the vehicle must be kept
Repairs and technical modifications must comply with ŠKODA guidelines.
by the vehicle user, in order to hand over later to the old car user. 0his ensures
the recycling in accordance with environmental regulations. 3e recommend that any modifications and repairs to the front bumper, doors,
front seats, headliner or bodywork be carried out by a ŠKODA Service Partner.
Interference on the electronic components and their software can lead to opera-
0hese vehicle parts may include system components for the airbag system.
tional faults. 0his interference can also impair not directly affected systems be-
cause of the networking of the electronic components. In other words, the vehi-
cle's roadworthiness may be put at risk and increased wear on parts may arise.
■ Airbag modules can not be repaired, but must be replaced.
Any damage caused by technical changes made without consent by ŠKODA is ex-
■ Never install any airbag parts into the vehicle that have been removed from
cluded from the warranty – see the warranty certificate.
old cars or have been recycled.
■ A modification to the suspension of the vehicle including the use of non-ap-
proved rim-tyre combinations can alter the functioning of the airbag and in-
crease the risk of serious or fatal injuries in an accident.
■ Parts of the airbag system may be damaged when working on the airbag
system or removing and installing system parts due to other repairs. 0his may
mean that the airbags will not deploy properly or not at all in the event of an
accident. Ð
Accessories, changes and replacement of partsĖĚĜ
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year of production from: 2007
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manual Skoda Fabia Skoda Fabia II 2 owners manual
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