owners manual Chrysler Crossfire
owners manual Chrysler Crossfire - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Chrysler Crossfire owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chrysler Crossfire, year of production 2003 - 2007:
below 10 volts, the malfunction indicator light comes onWARNING!
and the ABS is switched off. When the voltage is above
this value again, the malfunction indicator light shouldTo use your brakes and accelerator more safely,
go out and the ABS is operational. If the malfunctionfollow these tips:
indicator light stays illuminated, have the system• Do not “ride” the brakes by resting your foot on
checked at your authorized dealer as soon as possible.the pedal. This could overheat the brakes and
result in unpredictable braking action, longer
WARNING! stopping distances, or brake damage.
ABScannotpreventthenaturallawsofphysicsfrom• When descending mountains or hills, repeated5
braking can cause brake fade with loss of braking
acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking orcontrol. Avoid repeated heavy braking by down-
steering efficiency beyond that afforded by the con-shifting the transmission whenever possible.
dition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction• Do not drive too fast for road conditions, espe-
afforded. The ABS cannot prevent accidents, includ-cially when roads are wet or slushy. A wedge of
ing those resulting from excessive speed in turns,water can build up between the tire tread and the
following another vehicle too closely, or hydroplan-road. This hydroplaning action can cause loss of
ing. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful driver cantraction, braking ability, and control.
prevent accidents. The capabilities of an ABS-• After going through deep water or a car wash,
equipped vehicle must never be exploited in a reck-brakes may become wet, resulting in decreased
less or dangerous manner which could jeopardizeperformance and unpredictable braking action.
the user’s safety or the safety of others.Dry the brakes by gentle, intermittent pedal ac-
tion while driving at very slow speeds.

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year of production from: 2003

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