owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
ing the door handle, push the door handle re-HOWTOUSETHEREMOTE
quest switch to unlock the door.KEYLESSENTRYFUNCTION
All doors will be locked automatically unless oneTheremotekeylessentryfunctioncanoperateall
of the following operations is performed withindoor locks using the remote keyless function of
one minute after pushing the request switch.the Intelligent Key. The remote keyless function
● Openinganydoor. can operate at a distance of 33 ft (10 m) away
● Pushing the ignition switch. from the vehicle. The operating distance de-
pends upon the conditions around the vehicle.
The interior light timer illuminates for a period ofThe remote keyless entry function will not func-
time when a door is unlocked and the room lighttion under the following conditions:
switch is in the DOOR position.
Theinteriorlightcanbeturnedoffwithoutwaiting● When the Intelligent Key is not within the
by performing one of the following operations:operational range.
LPD2183 ● Whenthedoorsortherearliftgateareopen
NOTE: ● Placing the ignition switch in the ON posi-or not closed securely.
Request switches for all doors and liftgate● Locking the doors with the remote control.● When the Intelligent Key battery is dis-
can be deactivated when the I-Key Door charged.
Lock setting is switched to OFF in the Ve-● Switching the room light switch to the OFF
hicle Settings of the vehicle informationposition. CAUTION
display. For additional information, refer to● Switching the Auto Room Lamp to the OFFWhenlocking the doors using the Intelli-
“Vehicle information display” in the “In-position in Vehicle Settings of the vehiclegent Key, be sure not to leave the key in
struments and controls” section of thisinformation display. For additional informa-the vehicle.
manual. tion, refer to “Vehicle information display” in
If a door handle is pulled while unlocking thethe “Instruments and controls”section.
doors, that door may not be unlocked. Returning
the door handle to its original position will unlock
the door. If the door does not unlock after return-
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-17

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year of production from: 2013

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