owners manual Toyota Celica
owners manual Toyota Celica - year of production: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Toyota Celica VII 7 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota Celica, year of production 1999 - 2006:
’03MY CELICA U (L/O 0208)
Avoid jerky steering and sharp turns. In order to maintain engine braking effi- 4. Apply the parking brake firmly.
The trailer could hit your vehicle in aciency do not use fifth gear (5–speed 5. Shift into first or reverse (manual) or
tight turn. Slow down before making amanual transmission), sixth gear
“P” (automatic) and turn off the engine.
turn to avoid the necessity of sudden(6–speed manual transmission) or over-When restarting out after parking on a
braking. drive (automatic transmission).slope:
Remember that when making a turn, Because of the added load of the trail-1. With the transmission in “P” position
the trailer wheels will be closer thaner, your vehicle’s engine may overheat(automatic) or the clutch pedal de-
the vehicle wheels to the inside of theon hot days (at temperatures over
pressed (manual), start the engine.
turn. Therefore, compensate for this by30C [85F]) when going up a long or(With an automatic transmission, be
making a larger than normal turning steep grade with a trailer. If the enginesure to keep the brake pedal de-
radius with your vehicle. coolant temperature gauge indicatespressed.)
Crosswinds and rough roads will ad-overheating, immediately turn off the air
versely affect handling of your vehicleconditioning (if in use), pull off the road2. Shift into gear.
and trailer, causing sway. Pay attentionand stop in a safe spot. Refer to “If 3. Release the parking brake (also foot
your vehicle overheats” in Section 4.
to the rear from time to time to pre- brake on automatic transmission ve-
pare yourself for being passed by large Always place wheel blocks under bothhicles) and slowly pull or back away
trucks or buses, which may cause yourthe vehicle and trailer wheels whenfrom the wheel blocks. Stop and apply
vehicle and trailer to sway. If swayingparking. Apply the parking brake firmly.your brakes.
happens, firmly grip the steering wheelPut the transmission in “P” (automatic)4. Have someone retrieve the bcks.lo
and reduce speed immediately butor in first or reverse (manual). Avoid
gradually. Never increase speed. Steerparking on a slope with a trailer, but
straight ahead. If you make no extremeif it cannot be avoided, do so only
correction with the steering or brakesaf, ter performing the following:
the vehicle and trailer will stabilize. 1. Apply the brakes and hold.
Be careful when passing other ve- 2. Have someone place wheel blocks un-
hicles. Passing requires considerable
distance. After passing a vehicle, doder both the vehicle and trailer wheels.
not forget the length of your trailer and3. When the wheel blocks are in place,
be sure you have plenty of room be-release your brakes slowly until the
fore changing lanes. blocks absorb the load.
2003 CELICA from Aug. ’02 Prod. (OM20809U)

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year of production from: 1999

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