owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 Kezelesi utmutato HU
pdf (6.73 MB) 184 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
As opposed to the road information fl ashes To receive and view this traffi c information, LIST OF TMC SYMBOLS ON THE COL-
broadcast by an FM station during its nor-it is necessary to insert the navigation CD-OUR DISPLAY
mal programming (see the TA function in ROM , to activate TMC traffi c information,
RDS), the TMC (Traffi c Message Channel) to select a type of incident and a type of
messages are coded and not audible. TMC geographical fi ltering.
Traffi c bottlenecks and queues
fi lters the information that is of interest to you Selection of an FM radio station broad-
and broadcasts it in the language selected
in your NaviDrive, even in a foreign country casting RDS-TMC traffi c information is
where the language of the local radio is not automatic. If you want to select a different
your own. station, you must use the menu “Filter-Road closures and restrictions
ing of TMC information” then “Choice
The availability of such information depends of TMC station”.
on the country and on the region where you Remarks :
are travelling. The multifunction screen displays the
This information is displayed in a superim-“TMC” symbol as soon as a station Vehicle size restrictions
posed window and by symbols on the map broadcasting TMC information is being
(colour display). It be read out by the voice received.
synthesiser. When the FM station selected cannot
Remark : broadcast the TMC information, the “TMC” Road conditions and dangers
The volume of the voice synthesiser can be symbol will be barred on a monochrome
adjusted in the menu “TMC Traffi c Informa-screen and shaded on a colour screen.
tion” and by moving control C while the TMC Depending on the station selected, the
traffi c information is being heard.
traffi c information may be more or less Weather and visibility
The messages contain for example : A date complete and precise, or cover a larger
and time of transmission, the nature of the or smaller area. Each radio station is
traffi c incident, its location, plus the name and individually responsible for the quality of
direction of the traffi c artery concerned.the information that it broadcasts.
The messages are classed according to the Parking restrictions
distance of the incident from your vehicle.
This list is updated approximately every 15
Restrictions on public transport
These symbols may be accompanied by
an arrow indicating in which traffi c direction
they are situated.
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year of production from: 2002
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Citroen C3 I 1 Kezelesi utmutato
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