owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2010 - Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2010:
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Anti-theft system (if equipped) BASS the ENTER button again to save the setting.
This unit can only be activated when the ignition switchTo adjust each audio setting, turn the VOL control dial.When BEEP appears on the display, briefly push
for NATS is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Each radioclockwise or counterclockwise. the ENTERbutton and then turn the VOLUME dial
is uniquely matched to the vehicle’s immobilizer andBASS: (−) to decrease / (+) to increase clockwise or counterclockwise to switch the beep
therefore cannot be transferred to any other vehicle. sound on or off. Push the ENTER button again to
TREB(LE): (−) to decrease / (+) to increase save the setting.
Audio main operation BAL(ANCE): (R) to right balance / (L) to left balanceTo configure Alternative Frequency, Regional and
The audio system operates when the ignition switch isFADE(R): (F) to front fade / (R) to rear fade Language settings, perform the following procedure:
in the “ACC” or “ON” position. EQ(Equalizer): Use this control to change the preset1.Push and hold the MENU button for at least 1.5
POWERON/OFFbutton: sound mode for CD play. seconds.
To turn on the audio system, push the POWER ON/ Turn the MENU/VOL dial clockwise or counterclock- 2. Turn the VOLUME dial clockwise or counter-
OFF button. wise. The mode will change as follows: clockwise. The display message will change as
. The system will turn on in the mode, (radio or CD)OFF Û ENHANCE follows:
which was used immediately before the system If the audio settings mode is unchanged for approxi- AF Û REG Û LANGUAGE Û AF
was turned off. mately 8 seconds, the audio settings mode will . To activate or deactivate the AF and REG mode,
. If there is no CD loaded, the radio will be turnedautomatically return to the normal mode. briefly push on the ENTER button when AF or
on. REG appears on the display and turn the
To turn off the audio system, push the POWER ON/ MENUbutton: VOLUME dial clockwise or counterclockwise to
OFF button. GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bswitch between the off or on position. After
Volume control: To configure the SPEED volume and BEEP settings, selection, push the ENTER button to confirm the
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977Bperform the following procedure: settings.
To control the volume, turn the VOLUME control dial.1.Push the MENU button. — When the AF mode is enabled, the audio unit
Turn the VOLUME control dial clockwise to make the2. Turn the VOLUME dial clockwise or counter- will automatically re-tune to a stronger fre-
sound louder. clockwise. The display message will change as quency if the radio signal becomes weak.
Turn the VOLUME control dial counterclockwise to follows: — WhentheREGmodeisenabled,theaudiounit
make the sound quieter. PHONE SETUP ÛSPEED VOL Û CLOCK Û will maintain and hold the station which is
BEEP ÛPHONESETUP broadcasting local (regional) programmes.
Sound preference button: . To change the display language, briefly push the
GUID-9E14C2E6-2E9C-4731-980B-C45B899B977B.WhenSPEEDVOLappearsonthedisplay,briefly ENTERbutton when LANGUAGE appears on the
To enter the audio mode (radio or CD), push the pushontheENTERbuttonthenturntheVOLUME display then turn the VOLUME dial clockwise or
button. When no CD is loaded, the audio system will dial clockwise or counterclockwise to adjust the counterclockwise to select the appropriate lan-
automatically switch to the radio mode. level of the volume. guage setting.
To change the audio settings (BASS, TREBLE, Adjusting the setting to 0 (zero) turns off the ENGLISH Û DUTCH Û FRENCH Û SPANISH
FADER, BALANCE, EQ), push the button or speed volume feature. Increasing the speed ÛGERMAN Û ITALIAN Û PORTUGUESE Û
ENTER button to select the mode. volume setting results in the audio volume ENGLISH
BASS?TREBLE?BALANCE?FADER?EQ? increasing more rapidly with vehicle speed. Push After selecting the desired language, push the
Monitor, Heater and air conditioner, and audio system 4-25
Condition: [ Edit: 2013/ 2/ 25Model: K13-A ]

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year of production from: 2010

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instrukcja obsługi Nissan Micra Nissan Micra March K13 owners manual
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