owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
If the list contains less than 6 names, these
last will display automatically.
Select a town, then validate.
When the complete name of the town is
displayed, select it then validate “OK”.
2 Enter the name of the street
Enter the street name in the same way as
you entered the town name.
Note : Do not enter the type of road (street,
avenue ,etc.).
3 Validation
When the complete name of the street is
NAV 1 NAV 1. a displayed, select it then validate “OK”.
This menu allows you to : The last guidance address is displayed. If you enter only the name of the town and
Enter an address. then validate immediately “OK”, you will
1Enter a town name go directly to the town centre.
Access NaviDrive Services if you have To enter the name of a town, select “Town” The function “Store” memorises the
subscribed to a specifi c contract (assist-then validate. Next, select then validate address displayed into a fi le of the cur-
ance and entry of a destination). letter by letter or enter them using the rent directory.
Choose a centre of interreesstt that is avail-alphanumeric keypad. The selection “Present location” displays
able in a town (restaurant, airport, hotel, If you make an error, press “Correct” to the current address.
cinema, theatre, etc. delete the last letter entered. The selection “GPS” brings up the GPS
Choose a destination stored in a Remark : coordinates.
directory. After the fi rst letter has been validated, only
Choose one of the last twenty des-those letters that can complete an existing
tinations. name in the database will be displayed.
“List” tells you, as you begin to enter the
name of the town, how many towns start
with or include the same letters.
Select “List” to choose one of them.
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year of production from: 2002
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manual Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual
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