owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 2014 owners manual EN
pdf (14.21 MB) 494 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
X X Confirm the entry with W.
Enter the phone number using the
character bar.
If the selected main category does not
contain any sub-categories, the poin tof
interest list appears.
Assigning ap oint of interes tc ategory
If the selected main category contains
subcategories, a list of the subcategories
The categories and points of interest appears with the input speller.
available depend on the distance from the
X Selec tacategory by turning cVd the
vehicle position you have set for the point of
COMAND controller.
X Confirm the entry with W.
point of interest in the vicinity of the
The point of interest list appears. It
contains the points of interest available in
Alphabetically sorted categories, as well as
the sub-category that are within the search
points of interes tint he vicinity of the target
destination and sorted by distance are
Search radius means: COMAND searches
within a radius of 100 km .
point of interest in the vicinity of the current
If COMAND does not find any points of
interest within this radius, it extends its
Alphabetically sorted categories are
search range to approximately 200 km . If
available, as well as points of interest in the
COMAND finds one point of interest within
vicinity of the vehicle position arranged by
this radius, it finishes the search.
point of interest within a given city: i If you select the ALL
list item, the point of
interest list contains all points of interest
If you have entered only the state/province
for all subcategories in the Restaurant
and the city, the system will return
mai nc ategory which lie within the search
alphabetically sorted categories and points
of interest within the city limits.
If you have entered more than the state/
Point of interes tl ist
province and the city, the system will return
alphabetically sorted categories and points
of interest sorted by distance, all in the
The illustration below shows an example of
vicinity of the address you entered.
the point of interest list for the Restaurant
point of interest using name search:
main category in the vicinity of the current
An alphabetically sorted list of all points of
interest is available.
The list sorts points of interest with the
same name and in the same category
according to distance, starting with those
nearest to you.
Selecting ac ategory
X Select a mai nc ategory by turning cVd the
COMAND controller.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 2014 owners manual
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