owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Heating and defogging (Manual mode):To turn the system on/off:• If the engine coolant reaches an extremely high
This mode heats the interior and defogs the wind-Pressthe“ON/OFF”buttontoturnthesystemonortemperature, the air conditioning system will au-
screen. off. tomatically turn off. This may happen for example
if the engine runs at idle speed for a long time on
Use the airflow control buttons to select theOperating tipsa hot day.
button is pressed. Switch on the air-conditioning to• In order to improve the heater operation, clearAir conditioner filter
improve the defogging and adjust the preferred fanthe snow and ice from the wiper blade and air
speed and temperature. inlet in front of the windscreen.The air conditioning system is equipped with a filter
Fan speed control m(Manual mode): which collects dirt, pollen, dust, etc. To make sure
• When the engine coolant temperature and out-the air conditioner heats, defogs, and ventilates effi-
Pressthefanspeedcontrolbuttonstoadjustthefanside air temperature are low, the airflow from theciently, replace the filter regularly. To replace the fil-
speed. floor outlets may not operate for a maximum ofter, contact a NISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshop.
150seconds.However,thisisnotamalfunction.The filter should be replaced if the airflow is ex-
Press the AUTO button to change the fan speed toAfter the coolant temperature has warmed up,
automatic mode. the airflow from the floor outlets will operate nor-tremely reduced or when the windows fog up
Air recirculation: mally. easily while operating the heater or air condition-
ing system.
Use this mode to recirculate interior air inside the• After parking in the sun, drive for two or threeServicing air conditioner
passenger compartment in situations such as driv-minutes with the windows open to vent hot air
ing on a dust raised road, avoiding traffic fumes orfrom the passenger compartment. Then, closeTheair conditioning system in your NISSAN vehicle
having maximum cooling from the air conditioner.the windows. This will allow the acceleration ofis charged with an environmentally friendly refriger-
Press the <> button to recirculate interior air.the air conditioner’s cooling operation.ant.
Theindicator light illuminates and the air conditioner• KeepwindowsclosedwhiletheairconditionerisNISSANBlueCitizenship
will automatically come on.operating. This refrigerant will not harm the earth’s ozone
Whentheairrecirculationmodeisswitchedoff,out-• Theair conditioning system should be operatedlayer.
side air is drawn into the passenger compartment.for about 10 minutes, at least once a month. ThisSpecial charging equipment and lubricant are re-
Outside air circulation :helps prevent damage to the system due to lackquired when servicing the NISSAN air conditioner.
of lubrication. Using improper refrigerants or lubricants will cause
Use this mode to draw outside air into the passen-• If the coolant temperature gauge exceeds the
ger compartment for normal heating, ventilation orsevere damage to the air conditioning system. See
air conditioner operation.“HOT” position, turn the air conditioner off. For“Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants” in
additional information, see “Engine overheat” inthe “9. Technical information” section.
Press the <> button to change the air intakethe “6. In case of emergency” section.
from the air recirculation to the outside air mode.ANISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshopwillbeable
The indicator light () turns off. to service the air conditioning system.
4-22 Display screen, heater and air conditioner, and audio system
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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