owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
The buzzer is activated when:To park the car safely it is absolutelyWARNING For towing the vehicle, ad-
– reverse gear ( R) is engaged;necessary to engage first gear (1) or re-here to local regulations. Make sure that the
verse ( R) and, when on a sloping road, alsogearbox is in neutral (N) (checking that the
– the vehicle is parked with the gearboxengage the hand-brake.car moves when pushed) and proceed as for
at neutral (N); this can be seen turning theTurning the engine off with the car facingtowing a normal car with mechanical gear-
ignition key to STOP; uphill and a gear engaged, it is absolutelybox following the instructions given in the
necessary to wait for the display on thechapter “In an emergency”.
– clutch overheating takes place during
pick-up; rev counter to go off before releasing theShould it be impossible to set to neutral,
– the car moves in the opposite directionbrake pedal, so that the clutch has innesteddo not tow the vehicle; contact Alfa Romeo
to the gear engaged (e.g.: the car tends tocompletely.Authorised Services.
If the gearbox is in neutral (N) and you
do downhill with reverse gear engaged);
want to engage a parking gear, it is neces-
– in the event of gearbox failure; GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR
sary to activate the system and engage the
– the system has automatically engagedgear (1) or reverse (R) with your foot on
neutral ( N) after: the brake pedal.
• there is no action on the accelerator WARNING
and/or brake pedal for at least 3 min- Do not start the engine
utes; when towing the vehicle.
• the brake pedal is pressed for over 10
• the driver’s door is opened and the ac-
celerator and brake pedal are not
pressed for at least 1 second;
• detection of a gearbox fault.

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year of production from: 1997

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