owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Nissan Sentra V 5 N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Wheel nuts* When checking the tires, makelatch pins, rollers and links as necessary. MakeSeatsCheckseatpositioncontrolssuchasseat
surenowheelnutsaremissing,andcheckforanysure that the secondary latch keeps the hoodadjusters, seatback recliner, etc. to ensure they
loose wheel nuts. Tighten if necessary.from opening when the primary latch is released.operate smoothly and all latches lock securely in
Tire rotation* Tires should be rotated everyWhen driving in areas using road salt or otherevery position. Check that the head restraints
7,500 miles (12,000 km).corrosive materials, check lubrication frequently.moveupanddownsmoothlyandthelocks(ifso
equipped) hold securely in all latched positions.
Wheel alignment and balance If the vehicleLights* Clean the headlights on a regular basis.
should pull to either side while driving on aMake sure that the headlights, stop lights, tailSeat belts Check that all parts of the seat belt
straight and level road, or if you detect uneven orlights, turn signal lights, and other lights are allsystem (for example, buckles, anchors, adjusters
abnormaltirewear,theremaybeaneedforwheeloperating properly and installed securely. Alsoand retractors) operate properly and smoothly,
alignment. check headlight aim. and are installed securely. Check the belt web-
Inside the vehicle bing for cuts, fraying, wear or damage.
If the steering wheel or seat vibrates at normalAcceleratorpedalCheckthepedalforsmooth
highway speeds, wheel balancing may beThe maintenance items listed here should beoperationandmakesurethepedaldoesnotbind
needed. checked on a regular basis, such as when per-or require uneven effort. Keep the floor mat away
● Foradditionalinformationregardingtires,referforming periodic maintenance, cleaning the ve-from the pedal.
to “Important Tire Safety Information” (US) orhicle, etc.
“Tire Safety Information”(Canada) in the War-Warning lights and chimes Make sure allClutch pedal* Make sure the pedal operates
ranty Information Booklet .warninglightsandchimesareoperatingproperly.smoothly and check that it has the proper free
Windshield Clean the windshield on a regularWindshield wiper and washer* Check thatBrakes Check that the brakes do not pull the
basis. Check the windshield at least every sixthe wipers and washer operate properly and thatvehicle to one side when applied.
monthsforcracksorotherdamage.Haveadam-the wipers do not streak.
aged windshield repaired by a qualified repairWindshield defroster Check that the airBrakepedalandbooster*Checkthepedalfor
facility. comesoutofthedefrosteroutletsproperlyandinsmoothoperationandmakesureithastheproper
Windshieldwiperblades*Checkforcracksorsufficient quantity when operating the heater ordistance under it when depressed fully. Check
wear if they do not wipe properly.air conditioner.thebrakeboosterfunction.Becertaintokeepthe
Doors and hood Check that the doors andSteeringwheelCheckforchangesinthesteer-floor mat away from the pedal.
hood operate properly. Also ensure that alling system, such as excessive freeplay, hard
latches lock securely. Lubricate hinges, latches,steering or strange noises.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-3
ZREVIEWCOPY:—2003Sentra (b15)
Owners Manual (owners) —USA English (nna)

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year of production from: 2000

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