owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
CAUTION ● When the vehicle is parked near a parkingCAUTION
● BesuretocarrytheIntelligentKeywithIn such cases, correct the operating conditionsListed below are conditions or occur-
you when operating the vehicle.before using the Intelligent Key function or userences which will damage the Intelligent
● Never leave the Intelligent Key in the Key:
vehicle when you leave the vehicle.the mechanical key.● Do not allow the Intelligent Key, which
Although the life of the battery varies dependingcontainselectricalcomponents, to
TheIntelligent Key is always communicating withon the operating conditions, the battery’s life iscome into contact with water or salt
the vehicle as it receives radio waves. The Intel-approximately two years. If the battery is dis-water. This could affect the system
ligent Key system transmits weak radio waves.charged, replace it with a new one.function.
Environmental conditions may interfere with theWhen the Intelligent Key battery is low, an indi-● DonotdroptheIntelligent Key.
operation of the Intelligent Key system under thecator illuminates in the Vehicle Information Dis-
following operating conditions: ● DonotstriketheIntelligentKeysharply
play. For additional information, refer to “Vehicleagainst another object.
● When operating near a location whereInformation Display”in the “Instruments and con-
strong radio waves are transmitted, such astrols” section of this manual.● DonotchangeormodifytheIntelligent
a TV tower, power station and broadcasting Key.
station. SincetheIntelligentKeyiscontinuouslyreceiving● Wetting may damage the Intelligent
radio waves, if the key is left near equipmentKey. If the Intelligent Key gets wet, im-
● Wheninpossessionofwirelessequipment,whichtransmits strong radio waves, such as sig-mediatelywipeuntilitiscompletelydry.
such as a cellular telephone, transceiver,nals from a TV and personal computer, the bat-
and CBradio. tery life may become shorter.● Do not place the Intelligent Key for an
● WhentheIntelligentKeyisincontactwithor extended period in an area where tem-
Foradditional information regarding replacementperatures exceed 140°F (60°C).
covered by metallic materials.of a battery, refer to “Battery replacement” in the
● Whenanytypeofradiowaveremotecontrol“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this● DonotattachtheIntelligent Key with a
manual. key holder that contains a magnet.
is used nearby. ● Do not place the Intelligent Key near
● When the Intelligent Key is placed near anAs many as four Intelligent Keys can be regis-equipment that produces a magnetic
electric appliance such as a personal com-tered and used with one vehicle. For informationfield, suchasaTV,audioequipmentand
puter. about the purchase and use of additional Intelli-personal computers.
gent Keys, contact a NISSAN dealer.
3-12 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 2013

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