owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
Fade and drift: As your vehicle moves in areas with many tall buildings. It can
away from a station transmitter, the sig- also occur for several seconds during
nals will tend to fade and/or drift.ionospheric turbulence even in areas
Static and flutter: During signal interfer- where no obstacles exist.
ence from buildings, large hills or due toStatic: Caused by thunderstorms, elec-
trical power lines, electric signs and even
antenna position, usually in conjunction
with increased distance from the station traffic lights.
transmitter, static or flutter can be heard.SATELLITE RADIO RECEPTION
This can be reduced by adjusting the
treble control counterclockwise to reduceWhen the satellite radio (if so equipped)
treble response. is first installed or the battery has been
replaced, the satellite radio may not work
Multipath reception: Because of the re-
properly. This is not a malfunction. Wait
SAA0306 flective characteristics of FM signals, di-
rect and reflected signals reach the re- more than 10 minutes with satellite radio
FM RADIO RECEPTION ceiver at the same time. The signals mayON for satellite radio to receive all of the
cancel each other, resulting in momentarynecessary data.
Range: FM range is normally limited to 25flutter or loss of sound. AUDIO OPERATION PRECAUTIONS
to 30 miles (40 to 48 km), with monauralAMRADIO RECEPTION
(single channel) FM having slightly more Cassette player
range than stereo FM. External influencesAM signals, because of their low fre- O To maintain good quality sound,
may sometimes interfere with FM stationquency, can bend around objects and
reception even if the FM station is withinskip along the ground. In addition, theINFINITI recommends using cassette
25 miles (40 km). The strength of the FMsignals can be bounced off the iono-tapes of 60 minutes or shorter in
signal is directly related to the distance sphere and bent back to earth. Becauselength.
between the transmitter and receiver. FMof these characteristics. AM signals are
also subject to interference as they travelO Cassette tapes should be removed
signals follow a line-of-sight path, exhib-from transmitter to receiver.from the player when not in use. Store
iting many of the same characteristics as cassettes in their protective cases and
light. For example they will reflect off ob-Fading: Occurs while the vehicle isaway from direct sunlight, heat, dust,
jects. passing through freeway underpasses ormoisture and magnetic sources.
Monitor, climate, audio and voice-activated control systems 4-19
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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