owners manual Citroen C5
owners manual Citroen C5 - year of production: 2008 - Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C5, year of production 2008:
D ynamic emergency braking If a failure of the ESP sys- Em ergency parking brake
tem is signalled by the light-release
ing of this warning lamp,
then braking stability is not
guaranteed. In this event, stability
must be assured by the driver by
repeating alternate "pull release" ac-
tions on control A .
! T he dynamic emergency
braking must only be used in
exceptional circumstances.
In the event of the electric parking
In the event of a failure of the vehi- brake failing to release, an emer-
cle’s main braking system or in an gency device can be used to release
exceptional situation (e.g. driver tak-! If the vehicle cannot be im-the parking brake manually, provid-
en ill, under instruction, etc) pull and mobilised, do not operate ed that it is possible to immobilise
hold control A to stop the vehicle. the emergency release. Your ve-the vehicle while the procedure is
hicle may run away on any slope. carried out.
The electronic stability programme
Consult a CITROËN dealer.
(ESP) provides stability during dy- If you can start the vehicle: with
namic emergency braking. the engine running, immobilise
the vehicle by applying the foot IX
If the dynamic emergency braking
brake while the operation is be-
malfunctions, one of the following
ing carried out.
messages will be displayed on the
instrument panel display: If you are unable to start the ve-
hicle (fl at battery for example): do
- "Parking brake faulty".
not use this device and contact
- "Parking brake control faulty".
a CITROËN dealer. However, if
you are obliged to proceed, fi rst
immobilise your vehicle securely
and then follow the instructions

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year of production from: 2008

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manual Citroen C5 Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual
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