owners manual Porsche Boxster
owners manual Porsche Boxster - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Porsche Boxster 987 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Boxster, year of production 2004 - 2012:
Rainsensor Changingthesensitivityoftherainsensor
In vehicles with a rain sensor the amount of rainfallSensitivity can be set with switch A in 4 stages:
(snowfall too) which hassettledonthewindshieldisAdjustswitchAupwards-highsensitivity.
measured. WiperspeedisautomaticallyadjustedThesettingisconfirmedbyonewipeofthe
accordingly. windshield.
Switchingon AdjustswitchAdownwards-lowsensitivity.
Periodically clean the wiper bladeswitha win-
Switchingoff dowcleaner,especiallyafterthevehiclehas
Movewiperlevertoposition0.beenwashedinacarwash. Werecommend
TherainsensorremainsswitchedoffifthewiperPorschewindowcleaner. Iftheyareverydirty
leveris alreadyinposition1whentheignitionis(e.g. with insect remains), they can be cleaned
switchedon. withaspongeorcloth.
Toswitchtherainsensoronagain:If the wiper blades rub or squeak, this may be as a
result of the following:
Wipeintervalcontrol Movewiperlevertoposition0andthentoIf the vehicle is washed in an automatic car wash,
position1or waxresiduesmaybeadheringtothewindshield.
Function Operatewindshieldwashersystem5orThesewaxresiduescanberemovedusinga
intervals can be adjusted in four steps.four-stageswitchA.Pleaseobservethechapter”WASHERFLUID”
Decreasingintervals shield. PleasecontactyourauthorizedPorschedealerfor
AdjustswitchAupwards. ThesettingisOnvehicleswiththeSportChronoPlusPackage,further information.
confirmedbyonewipeofthewindshield.further rain sensor functions can be selected viaThewiperbladesmaybedamaged.
Increasingintervals thePCM. Replacedamagedwiperbladesassoonas
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year of production from: 2004
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Porsche Boxster 987 owners manual
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