owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Features of your vehicle
Gate operator & Canadian pro- ® Reprogramming a single
gramming Operating HomeLink HomeLink® button
To operate, simply press and release
During programming, your handheldthe programmed HomeLink button. To program a new device to a previ-
Activation will now occur for the ®
transmitter may automatically stop ously trained HomeLinkbutton, fol-
trained device (i.e. garage door
transmitting. Continue to press the low these steps:
® opener, gate operator, security sys-
Integrated HomeLink Wireless 1. Press and hold the desired
tem, entry door lock, home/office
Control System button (note steps 2 ®
HomeLink button. Do NOT
lighting, etc.). For convenience, the
through 4 in the Standard
release until step 4 has been com-
hand-held transmitter of the device
Programming portion of this docu- pleted.
may also be used at any time.
ment) while you press and re-press 2.When the indicator light begins to
(“cycle”) your handheld transmitter flash slowly (after 20 seconds),
every two seconds until the frequen- position the handheld transmitter 1
cy signal has been learned.The indi- to 3 inches away from the
cator light will flash slowly and then HomeLink ® surface.
rapidly after several seconds upon 3. Press and hold the handheld
successful training. transmitter button.The HomeLink ®
indicator light will flash, first slowly
and then rapidly.
4.When the indicator light begins to
flash rapidly, release both buttons.
5. Press and hold the just-trained
HomeLink® button and observe
the red Status Indicator LED.If the
indicator light stays on constantly,
programming is complete and
your new device should activate.
4 62
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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