owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
When Driving
Start/Stop Engine
NOTE Engine Start Function When Key
Battery is Dead
Drive immediately after starting the CAUTION
engine. However do not use high
engine speeds until reaching the When starting the engine by holding
operating temperature. the transmitter over the push button
(SKYACTIV-G 2.0) start due to a dead key battery or a
malfunctioning key, be careful not
Whether the engine is cold or to allow the following, otherwise the
warm, it should be started without signal from the key will not be received
the use of the accelerator. correctly and the engine may not start.
If the engine does not start the fi rst
time, refer to Starting a Flooded
Engine under Emergency Starting. Metal parts of other keys or metal
If the engine still does not start, objects touch the key.
have your vehicle inspected by an
Authorised Mazda Repairer (page
7-27 ).
If the ambient temperature is lower
than about - 10 °C (14 °F), the
maximum engine speed may not
be attained for about three minutes Spare keys or keys for other vehicles
after the engine starts to protect the equipped with an immobilizer system
engine. touch or come near the key.
(Manual transaxle vehicle with
i-stop function)
If the engine has stopped due to
stalling, it can be restarted by
depressing the clutch pedal within 3
seconds of the engine stopping.
The engine cannot be restarted even
if the clutch pedal is depressed under Devices for electronic purchases, or
the following conditions: security passage touch or come near
the key.
The driver's door is open.
The driver's seat belt is unfastened.
The clutch pedal is not released
completely after the engine stalled.
The clutch pedal is depressed with
the engine not stopped completely.
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year of production from: 2015
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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