owners manual Toyota RAV4
owners manual Toyota RAV4 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Toyota RAV4 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota RAV4, year of production 2005 - 2012:
’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
When the vehicle speed exceeds 40 km/h If the “4WD” warning light flashes.
(25 mph), the four−wheel drive lock will This indicates that the driveline tempera-
be cancelled automatically. ture has become too high. Without turning
The four−wheel drive lock indicator will off the engine, do either of the following
come on for a few seconds when the to cool the driveline:
ignition key is turned to “ON”. Reduce vehicle speed until the light
If the indicator light does not come on goes off.
when the ignition key is turned to “ON” or Stop the vehicle at a safe place and
the four−wheel drive lock switch is allow the engine to idle until the light
pushed, contact your Toyota dealer. goes off.
NOTICE If operation of the vehicle is continued
while the light is flashing, the system au-
Use the four−wheel drive lock only tomatically shuts off the engine torque that
when driving on the loose surfaces,SYSTEM FAILURE WARING is applied to the rear wheels to protect
such as sand, gravel, or deep snow,The “4WD” warning light warns that therethe driveline. If this happens, the light will
or if the vehicle gets stuck. After the flash faster.
is a problem somewhere in the active
four−wheel drive lock is used to pro-
vide traction, cancel the four−wheel torque control 4WD system.When the driveline temperature falls
enough, the light will go off.
drive lock. Using the four−wheel drive The light will come on when the ignition
lock at other times may cause dam-key is turned to “ON”. When the systemIf the “4WD” warning light remains on.
age to the four−wheel drive system.works properly, the light turns off after aThis indicates that the system may not
few seconds. work properly. Contact your Toyota dealer
If the warning light does not come on to service your vehicle.
when the ignition key is turned to “ON”,
contact your Toyota dealer to service the
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
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year of production from: 2005
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