owners manual Citroen C2
owners manual Citroen C2 - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C2 instrukcja obslugi PL
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text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C2, year of production 2003 - 2009:
MAP 43
When the map is displayed, you can use
either of two functioning modes :
The mode “Follow vehicle on map”, which
shows you the movement of the vehicle on
the map, and the mode “Select - Move on
spot by moving a pointer.
The map can be displayed either on the right
of the screen as in the other a pplications, or MODE “FOLLOWVEHICLEONMAP” MODE “SELECTION – MOVE ON
full screen enlarged.
Remarks : This mode enables you to view the vehicle MAP”
• By default, the map displyas in mode centred on the map, whether or not guid- This mode enables you :
“Follow vehicle on map”. ance is active. • To move on the map in all four directions :
• The change of the mode “ Follow vehicle The map has a zoom function which can North, South, East and West, using
on map” to the mode “Move on map” is alter the scale of the map. To vay ther buttons H, I, Mand N. The movement can
made via the Map main menu or using scale from 50 m / cm to 200 km / cm, rotate be speeded up b y keeping the appropriate
the Navigation contextual menu with a the control G. button pressed down.
press on the control G. Remarks : • To select a point on the map by moving
• The change the other way is made using • In this mode, a validation on control G the latter in orderf,te ar a press onG ,
the Contextual Menu for the mode “Move brings up the Navigation contextual to be guided towards this point, to have
on map”. menu. information on it, or to memorise it.
• The more prec ise scale allows you to see Remarks :
one-way systems. • In this mode, the zoom is also available
and the map is always full screen, oriented
to North.
• In this mode, a va lidation on t he control G
displays the Map contextual menu.
• In this mode, the symbol for the nearest
Centre of Interest is displayed.

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year of production from: 2003

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Citroen C2 instrukcja obslugi
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