owners manual Peugeot 207
owners manual Peugeot 207 - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 207 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 207, year of production 2006 - 2012:
C harging the battery using a R econnecting the cables
battery charger Do not disconnect the terminals
Position the open clip 1 of the cable ! while the engine is running.
Disconnect the battery from theon the positive terminal (+) of the Do not charge the batteries without
vehicle. battery.
Follow the instructions for use pro- Press vertically on the clip 1 to posi-disconnecting the terminals fi rst.
vided by the manufacturer of the tion it correctly against the battery. Do not push the vehicle to start the
charger. Lock the clip by lowering the tab 2 . engine if it is fi tted with a "2 Tronic"
Reconnect starting with the nega- Do not force the tab as locking will not gearbox.
tive terminal (-). be possible if the clip is not positioned
Check that the terminals and connec-correctly; start the procedure again. B efore disconnecting the
tors are clean. If they are covered with battery
sulphate (whitish or greenish deposit), Wait 2 minutes after switching off
remove them and clean them. the ignition before disconnecting
the battery.
D isconnecting the cables Close the windows and the doors
The batteries contain harmful sub-before disconnecting the battery.
stances such as sulphuric acid and
lead. They must be disposed of in F ollowing reconnection of the
accordance with regulations and battery
must not, in any circumstances, be Following reconnection of the bat-
discarded with household waste. tery, switch on the ignition and wait
Take used remote control batteries 1 minute before starting to permit ini-
and vehicle batteries to a special tialisation of the electronic systems.
collection point.
However, if slight diffi culties are en-
countered following this operation,
contact a PEUGEOT dealer.
Referring to the corresponding section,
you must yourself reinitialise:
Raise the locking tab fully. - the remote control key,
i It is advisable to disconnect the - the one-touch electric windows,
battery if the vehicle is to be left un- - the GPS satellite navigation
used for more than one month. system.

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year of production from: 2006

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Peugeot 207 owners manual
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