owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
Though strongly inadvisable, if due to un-Still for safety reasons, when the vehicleSTOPPING THE CAR
foreseen circumstances when driving down-is stationary, with the engine started and
hill the car is allowed to travel with the gear-gear (1), (2) or ( R) engaged, the systemTo stop the vehicle, simply release the ac-
celerator pedal and, if necessary, operate
box in neutral (N), when the engagementactivates the buzzer and shifts to neutral
(N) automatically when: the brake pedal.
of a gear is requested, the system auto-
matically engages the best gear to allow Regardless of the gear engaged and of the
transmission of the torque to the wheels in– there is no action on the accelerator
and/or brake pedal for at least 3 minutes;operating mode activated (MANUALor
relation to the speed of the car. CITY), the system automatically disen-
Downhill with the gear engaged and the– the brake pedal is pressed for over 10gages the clutch and downshifts gear.
accelerator released (if the vehicle is trav- If you intend to move off again without
elling), if a certain pre-established speed is– the driver’s door is opened and the ac-having completely stopped the car, this way
exceeded, the system automatically en-
celerator and brake pedal are not pressed
the most suitable gear ratio for re-acceler-
gages the clutch to provide adequate enginefor at least 1 second.ating will be available.
Stopping the vehicle, the system auto-
Due to safety reasons, the Selespeed sys- matically engages first gear (1).
tem activates the buzzer when:
– clutch overheating occurs during vehicle
starting; in this case, it is necessary to
“force” moving off avoiding hesitations or
to release the accelerator and use the brake
pedal to park the vehicle if the car is on a
– the car moves in the opposite direction
to the gear engaged, (e.g.: vehicle moving
forward with reverse engaged); in this sit-
uation it is necessary to stop the vehicle and
keeping the brake pedal pressed, engage
the gear correctly.

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year of production from: 1997

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