owners manual Saab 9-5
owners manual Saab 9-5 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-5, year of production 2005 - 2009:
95_US_MY09.book Page 148 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM
148 Starting and driving
Filling a portable fuel containerFuel (Gasoline Engine) system performance compared to other
Use of the recommended fuel is an impor-NOTICE
Never fill a portable fuel container while it tant part of the proper maintenance of your Gasolines containing oxygenates, such
is in your vehicle. Static electricity dis-vehicle. as ethers and ethanol, and reformulated
charge from the cont ainer can ignite the Gasoline Octane gasolines may be available in your area.
gasoline vapor. You can be badly burned We recommend that you use these gaso-
and your vehicle damaged if this occurs. Use regular unleaded gasoline with a lines, if they comply with the specifica-
To help avoid injury to you and others:posted octane of 87 or higher.tions described earlier. However, E85
• Dispense gasoline only into approved If the octane is less than 87, you may get a (85% ethanol) and other fuels containing
containers. heavy knocking noise when you drive. If this more than 10% ethanol must not be used
occurs, use a gasoline rated at 87 octane or in vehicles that were not designed for
• Do not fill a container while it is inside higher as soon as possible. Otherwise, you those fuels.
a vehicle, in a vehicle’s trunk, pickup might damage your engine. A little pinging
bed or on any surface other than the noise when you accelerate or drive uphill is California Fuel
ground. considered normal. This does not indicate a
• Bring the fill nozzle in contact with the problem exists or that a higher-octane fuel If your vehicle is certified to meet California
inside of the fill opening before operat-is necessary. If you are using 87 octane or Emission Standards (see the underhood
ing the nozzle. Contact should be higher-octane fuel and hear heavy knock-emission control label), it is designed to
maintained until the filling is complete.ing, your engine needs service. Although operate on fuels that meet California speci-
not required, use higher octane fuel for opti-fications. If this fuel is not available in states
• Do not smoke while pumping gaso-mum performance - 93 octane. adopting California emissions standards,
line. your vehicle will operate satisfactorily on
Gasoline Specifications fuels meeting federal specifications, but
emission control system performance may
It is recommended that gasoline meet spec-be affected. The malfunction indicator lamp
ifications which were developed by automo-may turn on and your vehicle may fail a
bile manufacturers around the world and smog-check test. See Service Engine Light
contained in the World-Wide Fuel Charter also known as CHECK ENGINE indicator
which is available from the Alliance of Auto-light on page 58. If this occurs, return to your
mobile Manufacturers at www.autoalli-authorized Saab dealer for diagnosis. If it is
ance.org/fuel_charter.htm. Gasoline meet-determined that the cond ition is caused by
ing these specifications could provide the type of fuel used, repairs may not be
improved driveability and emission control covered by your warranty.

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year of production from: 2005

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Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual
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