owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (28,1)
5-28 Instruments and Controls
number may change even thoughFor example, if the vehicle isTo stop the timer, press the set/reset
the same amount of fuel is in theaccelerating and achieving low fuelbutton briefly while TIMER is
fuel tank. This is because differentefficiency this display will showdisplayed.
driving conditions produce differentfewer bars, but if the vehicle isTo reset the timer to zero, press and
fuel economies. Generally, freewaycruising on a flat freeway andhold the set/reset button while
driving produces better fuelgetting high fuel efficiency, theTIMERisdisplayed.
economythancity driving. Fueldisplay will show more bars. Fuel
range cannot be reset. economycannotbereset. FUELUSED
AVG(Average) ECONOMY TIMER Press the trip/fuel button until
Press the trip/fuel button until AVGPress the trip/fuel button untilFUELUSEDdisplays.This display
ECONOMYdisplays.ThisdisplayTIMERdisplays. This displayshows the number of liters(L) or
shows the approximate averagecan be used as a timer.gallons(gal) of fuel used since the
liters per 100kilometers (L/100km) last reset of this menu item. To reset
or miles per gallon (mpg). ThisTo start the timer, press the set/the fuel used information, press and
number is calculated based on thereset button while TIMER ishold the set/reset button while FUEL
number of L/100km (mpg) recordeddisplayed. The display will show theUSEDisdisplayed.
since the last time this menuamount of time that has passedAVG(Average) SPEED
item was reset. To reset AVGsince the timer was last reset, not
ECONOMY,pressandholdthe including time the ignition is off.Press the trip/fuel button until
set/reset button. Time will continue to be counted asAVGSPEEDdisplays.Thisdisplay
long as the ignition is on, even ifshows the average speed of the
Fuel Economy another display is being shown onvehicle in kilometers per hour(km/h)
Press the trip/fuel button until FUELthe DIC. The timer will record upor miles per hour(mph). This
ECONOMYdisplays.TheFUEL to 99hours, 59minutes andaverage is calculated based on the
ECONOMYdisplayshowsan 59seconds(99:59:59) after whichvarious vehicle speeds recorded
estimate of the vehicle fuelthe display will return to zero.since the last reset of this value. To
economyunderagivendriving reset the value to zero, press and
condition at a specific moment. hold the set/reset button.

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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