owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara
owners manual Alfa Romeo Brara - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo Brara, year of production 2005 - 2010:
AND Starting As soon as the conditions of the trafficCold starting
DASHBOARDCONTROLS and road allow, use a higher gear. Us-
Do not warm the engine with the car Short journeys and frequent cold starts
ing a low gear to obtain brilliant perfor-
at a standstill or at idle or high speed: do not allow the engine to reach opti-
mance increases consumption. In the
mum operating temperature. This results
under these conditions the engine
SAFETYDEVICES same way improper use of a high gear
warms up much more slowly, increasingincreases consumption, emissions an en-in a significant increase in consumption
electrical consumption and emissions. Itgine wear. levels (from +15 to +30% on the urban
is therefore advisable to move off im- cycle) and emission of harmful sub-
mediately, slowly, avoiding high speeds.Top speed stances.
CORRECT USEOF THE CARThis way the engine will warm faster.
Fuel consumption considerably increas-Traffic and road conditions
Unnecessary actions es with speed. Avoid superfluous brak-
RNING ms ing and accelerating, which cost in terRather high consumption levels are tied
A to situations with heavy traffic, for ex-
WLIGHTS AND MESSAGESAvoid accelerating when waiting at traf-of both fuel and emissions.
fic lights or before switching off the en- ample in queues with frequent use of
Acceleration the lower gears or in cities with many
gine. This and also double declutching
is absolutely pointless on modern cars traffic lights. Also winding mountain
IN AN and also increase consumption and pol-Accelerating violently increasing the revsroads and rough road surfaces adverse-
EMERGENCYlution. will greatly affect consumption and emis-ly affect consumption.
sions: acceleration should be gradual and
should not exceed the maximum torque.Traffic hold-ups
MAINTENANCE During prolonged hold-ups (e.g.: level
crossings) the engine should be
TIONS switched off.
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year of production from: 2005
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Alfa Romeo Brara Spider owners manual
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