owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Control systems
iThe SMS messages are sorted by the date Calling an SMS sender
and time they were received. The most recent Select SMS message “Options”
message is at the top of the list.“Call”.
If the name and telephone number of the sender
is saved in the address book or phone book of The telephone connects the call.
the mobile phone, you will see the name of the
sender in the SMS inbox. Otherwise, you will see Saving SMS sender as new COMAND
the telephone number of the sender.address book entry
Selecting an SMS message Selecting an SMS message: In the
Rotate ymz or slide qmr and then SMS inbox, select a message “Op-1Data field
press n. tions” “Save Number” “New En-2Input mark (cursor)
try”. 3Input characters
Showing abbreviated sender display in Selecting a number category: Proceed as described in the “Changing
full Select a category, e.g. “Home”.data field” paragraph in the “Assigning
Select SMS message “Options” Selecting a telephone category: a New Entry in the Address Book” sec-
“Details”. Select a category, e.g. “Land Line”.tion ( page 140).
The detailed view appears. Saving: Select “Save”. Adding an SMS senders telephone num-
Closing detailed view: Slide qmr or The input menu appears with the data ber to an existing address book entry
press n. fields. The data field for the telephone Selecting an SMS message: In the
number is filled in automatically.SMS inbox, select a message “Op-
tions” “Save Number” “Add”.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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