owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 147
Things to remember when driving Driving tips
Do not remove the heat shields installed and Adhere to water depth and speed limitaѪ
never apply undercoating to them. Make sure tions
that flammable materials, e. g. hay, leaves,
Do not exceed this water depth and walking
grass, etc. do not come in contact with the hot
speed; otherwise, the vehicle's engine, the
exhaust system during driving, while in idle poѪ
electrical systems and the transmission may
sition mode, or when parked. Such contact
be damaged.◀
could lead to a fire, and with it the risk of seriѪ
ous personal injury as well as property damѪ
Braking safely
Your vehicle is equipped with ABS as a standѪ
Do not touch hot exhaust pipes; otherwise,
ard feature.
there is the danger of getting burned.◀
Applying the brakes fully is the most effective
way of braking in situations when this is necesѪ
Mobile communication devices in the
The vehicle maintains steering responsiveѪ
Mobile communication devices in the veѪ
ness. You can still avoid any obstacles with a
minimum of steering effort.
It is not recommended to use mobile phones,
Pulsation of the brake pedal and sounds from
such as mobile phones without a direct conѪ
the hydraulic circuits indicate that ABS is in its
nection to an external aerial in the vehicle's
active mode.
passenger compartment. Otherwise, the vehiѪ
Do not let your foot rest on the brake
cle electronics and mobile communication deѪ
vices can interfere with each other. In addition,
there is no assurance that the radiation generѪDo not drive with your foot resting on the brake
ated during transmission will be dischargedpedal. Even light but consistent pedal pressure
from the vehicle interior.◀ can lead to high temperatures, brake wear and
possibly even brake failure.◀
Objects in the area around the pedals
On wet or slushy roads, a wedge of water can
form between the tires and road surface.
No objects in the area around the pedals
This phenomenon is referred to as hydroplanѪ
Keep floor mats, carpets, and any other
ing. It is characterized by a partial or complete
objects out of the area of motion of the pedals;
loss of contact between the tires and the road
otherwise, the function of the pedals could be
surface, ultimately undermining your ability to
impeded while driving
steer and brake the vehicle.
Do not place additional floor mats over existing
Hydroplaning mats or other objects.
When driving on wet or slushy roads, reѪOnly use floor mats that have been approved
duce your speed to prevent hydroplaning.◀ for the vehicle and can be properly fixed in
The risk of hydroplaning increases as the tire
Ensure that the floor mats are securely fasѪ
tread depth decreases. Minimum tread depth,
tened again when they are returned after being
refer to page 266.
removed, such as for cleaning.◀
Driving through water
Maximum water height: 17 inches/45 cm.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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