owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Never leave the keys in the vehicle.CAUTION If an Intelligent Key is lost or stolen,
As many as four Intelligent Keys can be regis-Listed below are conditions or occur-NISSANrecommendserasingtheIDcode
tered and used with one vehicle. The new keysrences which will damage the Intelligentof that Intelligent Key from the vehicle.
mustberegisteredpriortousewiththeIntelligentKey:This may prevent the unauthorized use of
Key and NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System of the Intelligent Key to operate the vehicle.
your vehicle. It is recommended you visit a● Do not allow the Intelligent Key, whichFor information regarding the erasing
NISSANdealer for this service. Since the regis-containselectricalcomponents, toprocedure, it is recommended you visit a
tration processrequireserasingallmemoryinthecome into contact with water or saltNISSANdealer.
Intelligent Key components, when registeringwater. This could affect the system
newkeys, be sure to take all Intelligent Keys thatfunction.
you have to a NISSAN dealer.● DonotdroptheIntelligent Key.
A key number plate is supplied with your keys.● DonotstriketheIntelligentKeysharply
Recordthekeynumberandkeepitinasafeplaceagainst another object.
your keys, it is recommended you visit a NISSAN● DonotchangeormodifytheIntelligent
dealer for duplicates by using the key number.Key.
NISSAN does not record key numbers so it is● Wetting may damage the Intelligent
very important to keep track of your key numberKey. If the Intelligent Key gets wet, im-
plate. mediatelywipeuntilitiscompletelydry.
A key number is only necessary when you have● Do not place the Intelligent Key for an
lost all keys and do not have one to duplicateextended period in an area where tem-
from. If you still have a key, it can be duplicatedperatures exceed 140°F (60°C).
without knowing the key number.● DonotattachtheIntelligent Key with a
key holder that contains a magnet.
● Do not place the Intelligent Key near
equipment that produces a magnetic
field, suchasaTV,audioequipmentand
personal computers.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-3

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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