owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 146
Navigation Destination entry
Entering a town/city separately
Destination entry by voice
The town/city can be said as a complete word.
General information
With the destination entry menu displayed:
▷ Instructions for voice activation system, reѪ
fer to page 25.
1. Press the button on the steering
▷ When making a destination entry by voice, wheel.
you can change between voice operation
2. ғCityҒ or ғSpell cityҒ
and iDrive.
3. Wait for the system to prompt you for the
▷ To have the available spoken instructions
read out loud: ғVoice commandsҒ.
4. Say the name of the town/city, or name at
least the first three letters.
Saying the entries
Depending on the entry, up to 20 towns/citѪ
▷ The town/city, street, and house number
ies may be suggested.
can be entered using a single command.
5. Select a location:
▷ Countries, towns and cities, streets, and inѪ
tersections can be said as whole words or ▷ Select a recommended town/city: ғYesҒ.
spelled in the language of the system, refer
▷ Select a different town/city: ғNew entryҒ.
to page 74.
▷ Select an entry: ғEntry .Ғ, for instance,
Example: to enter a destination in a US state
entry 2.
as a whole word, the system language must
▷ Spell an entry: ғSpell cityҒ.
be English.
6. Continue making the entry as prompted by
▷ Spell the entry if the spoken language and
the system.
the language of the system differ.
If there are several towns/cities with the same
▷ Say the letters smoothly, and avoid exagѪ
gerating the pronunciation and inserting
Towns/cities of the same name are grouped in a
lengthy pauses between the letters.
list and displayed as one location followed by an
▷ The methods of entry depend on the naviѪ
gation data in use and the country and lanѪ
guage settings. 1. Select an entry: ғYesҒ or ғEntry .Ғ, e. g., EnѪ
try 2.
Entering the address in a command
2. Select the desired town/city.
1. Press the button on the steering
Entering a street or intersection
2. ғEnter addressҒ
Enter a street and intersection in the same way
3. Wait for a request from the system. as you would enter a town/city.
4. Say the address in the suggested order.
Entering a house number separately
5. Continue making the entry as prompted by
Depending on the data in the navigation system,
the system.
house numbers up to number 2,000 can be enѪ
If necessary, individually name the separate
components of the address, e.g., the town/
city. 1. ғHouse numberҒ
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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