owners manual Citroen C3
owners manual Citroen C3 - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Citroen C3 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C3, year of production 2002 - 2009:
GENERAL Example :
Voice commands can control a certain To obtain memorised radio station no. 3 : Pro-
number of functions : nounce the word “Radio”, wait for the system
Using a voice label recorded by the user, to reply with a beep, then pronounce the word
for example : “Office” or “Home”. To “Memory”, wait for the system to reply with
enhance the recognition of these labels, a beep, then fi nish with the word 3.
you are recommended to record them After the double beep, the desired action
using different intonations. is performed.
Using pre-recorded words and expres- If you say the word “Help” and “What can
sions, for example : “Radio”, “Help”. I say”, you will see displayed all the com-
The voice commands function in a logical mands that are available at the moment of
sequence. A word voiced at one level must this request.
be recognised before another word at the Say the key words that correspond to the
next level can be recognised. action that you wish carried out.
If you should lose your way in the different
ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION OF VOICE levels of the voice command structure, say
RECOGNITION the word “Cancel” to bring you back to the
Give a short press on the end of the lighting voice commands at the previous level of
control stalk 7 to activate this function.the structure.
However careful the user may be, the pre-
Activation of the function is confi rmed by recorded words or expressions will always be
a beep and by the opening of a window on more easily recognised than words recorded
the display. The system is then listening. If by the user.
the word pronounced is understood by the
system, then it is displayed in the window
and a beep is heard. Otherwise the system
says “Sorry”. You then have to say the
word again.
Voice commands are deactivated automati-
cally and the system emits a double beep,
when an action has been completed using
voice commands.
If no voice commands are given, this function
is deactivated after a few seconds and the
system says “End of recognition”.
A press on the end of the lighting control
stalk 7 or on J, deactivates the function.
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year of production from: 2002
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