owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
All turn signals flash simultaneously when headlights in good time when light condi-
Interior lights
az d warning lights are switched on. tions become poor.
the har
The two turn signal turn signal lamps
R ated video
and the turn signal lamp in the switch will
flash at the same time. The simultaneous
Interior and reading lights
hazard warning lights also work when the ig-
nition is switched off.
Read the additional information carefully
››› page 32
● Luggage compartment lighting
The risk of an accident increases if your ve-
Fig. 147 Convenience
hicle breaks down. Always use the hazard
The light is activated when the rear lid is
warning lights and a warning triangle to draw
open, even when the ignition and lights are
the attention of other road users to your sta-
turned off. For this reason, ensure that the
tionary vehicle.
Lighting of instruments and controls
rear lid is always closed.
● Due to the high temperatures that the cata-
lytic converter can reach, never park in anThe lighting level of instruments, controls
Ambient light*
area where the catalytic converter could come
and displays can be adjusted through the
into contact with highly inflammable materi- The ambient light lights up the area of the
Easy Connect system using the button
als, for example dry grass or spilt petrol. This centre console and the footwell area and, de-
and the SETTINGS function button
could start a fire. pending on the version, the front door panels
››› page 33.
as well.
The instrument lighting (some dials and nee-
It will be switched on at full brightness when
dles), the centre console lighting and the
the doors are opened and the lights will be
● The battery will run down if the hazard
lighting of the displays are regulated by a
dimmed during driving, when the light selec-
warning lights are left on for a long time,
photodiode incorporated in the instrument
even if the ignition is switched off. tor is in the , or position.
● The use of the hazard warning lights de-
The brightness of the ambient light* can be
The instrument lighting (needles) is switched
scribed here is subject to the relevant statu-
adjusted through the Easy Connect menu, as
on when the ignition is on and the light is
tory requirements.
can colour, in versions with lighting on the
off. The instrument lighting is dimmed auto-
front door panel (see Adjusting Lights >
matically as the daylight starts to fade. It
Interior lighting page 33).
goes out completely when ambient light is
very low. This function is intended to remind
the driver to switch on the dipped beam
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
pages 141 - 147
Seat Arona owners manual
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