owners manual Opel Astra
owners manual Opel Astra - year of production: 2015 - Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual EN
pdf (11.03 MB) 345 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Opel Astra, year of production 2015:
Instruments and controls141
Wi-Fi hotspot To switch off the Wi-Fi hotspotRemote control
The Wi-Fi hotspot of the vehiclefunctionality, press Z to call anIf desired, use any phone to call an
provides internet connectivity with aadvisor.advisor, who can remotely operate
maximum speed of 4G/LTE. specific vehicle functions. Find the
Smartphone app
respective OnStar phone number on
With the myOpel smartphone app,
our country-specific website.
The Wi-Fi hotspot functionality is not
some vehicle functions can be
The following functions are available:
available for all markets.
operated remotely.
● Lock or unlock vehicle.
Up to seven devices may be
The following functions are available:
connected. ● Provide information on the
● Lock or unlock vehicle.
vehicle location.
To connect a mobile device with the
● Honk horn or flash lights.
Wi-Fi hotspot: ● Honk horn or flash lights.
● Check fuel level, engine oil life
1. Press j and then select Wi-Fi
and tyre pressure (only with tyreStolen vehicle assistance
settings on the Info-Display. The
pressure monitoring system).If the vehicle is stolen, report the theft
settings displayed include the Wi-
to the authorities and request OnStar
● Send navigation destination to
Fi hotspot name (SSID),
stolen vehicle assistance. Use any
the vehicle, if equipped with a
password and connection type.
phone to call an advisor. Find the
built-in navigation system.
2. Start a Wi-Fi network search on
respective OnStar phone number on
● Locate vehicle on a map.
your mobile device.
our country-specific website.
● Manage Wi-Fi settings.
3. Select your vehicle hotspot
OnStar can provide support in
(SSID) when listed.To operate these functions, download
locating and recovering the vehicle.
the app from Apple's App Store or
4. When prompted, enter the
Theft alert
Google Play Store.
password on your mobile device.
When the anti-theft alarm system is
triggered, a notification is sent to
OnStar. You are then informed about
To change the SSID or password,
this event by text message or email.
press Z and talk to an advisor or log
in to your account.

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year of production from: 2015

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Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
pages 140 - 146
Opel Astra K V 5 owners manual
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